Reading Response: What is interactivity?

In Chapter 1 of The Art of Interactive Design, Chris Crawford describes interactivity as a continuous loop with three steps: listening, thinking, and speaking. A system that truly engages users is one that doesn’t just react—it listens, processes input and responds differently based on type of the input.

The strongest interactive systems create a kind of “conversation” between the user and the program. It’s not just about clicking a button and getting a fixed response, but more about the system understanding the user’s input and adapting to it. For example, a simple calculator provides weak interaction because it only gives pre-programmed results. On the other hand, a video game provides a much richer experience by reacting to the player’s choices and strategies in real time.

To make my p5.js sketches more interactive, I could start by making them more adaptive to user behavior. My most important takeaway from the chapter is separating ‘participation’ as compared to ‘interactivity’. In my old sketches I have used ‘participation’ where no matter how the user approaches the system, the system outputs from a list of fixed effects. Moving to making my systems interactive would mean that any system I design would not just respond the same to each output but contain an algorithm that accurately digests the variability of inputs whether that is length, type of interaction, active or passive interaction and then react accordingly.

Instead of just reacting with basic changes like color shifts when the mouse is clicked, I hope to now build in more complex systems of interactivity in my sketches. For instance, if the user holds the mouse down longer, maybe the system reacts in a different manner. Or, I could design it so that the faster someone moves their mouse, the more dramatic the visual change. The more, the user thinks that not just their input matters, but their type of input matters as well, the more I will know I did a good job creating an interactive piece of media. By adding this kind of real-time feedback, the sketch can feel more dynamic and have deeper user involvement, a system of ‘inputs’, ‘processing’ and ‘outputs’, that Crawford would consider ‘interactive’.

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