Floating balloons


The inspiration for using balloons in this project came from a Chelsea football match I watched on Saturday, September 14. During the game, my team struggled to score until a substitute player finally found the net. In his celebration, he blew up a balloon, which sparked the idea to create a project centered around balloons. I wanted to capture that moment of excitement and celebration by translating it into an interactive experience where each balloon expands and changes color when clicked. My goal was to apply the programming concepts I’ve learned so far to build something creative and playful using balloons.

Christopher Nkunku, the chelsea Player who scored the only goal of the game and did his iconic balloon celebration.



The project is built using p5.js and applies Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) to create interactive floating balloons. A `Balloon` class is defined, with properties like position, size, color, and growth rate. Each balloon floats upwards and resets when it reaches the top of the canvas. On each mouse click, the clicked balloon changes color and expands by a set amount.

The `setup()` function initializes an array of balloons with random attributes, while the `draw()` function continuously updates and displays the balloons. The `mousePressed()` function checks for clicks and triggers balloon growth and color changes. This structure efficiently demonstrates object interaction, animation, and user engagement with OOP principles.


One aspect of the code that I enjoyed implementing was the incremental growth of balloons on each mouse click. Instead of making the balloon instantly expand to a large size, I wanted to ensure each click resulted in a smooth, controlled increase. To achieve this, I implemented the grow() and clicked() methods within the Balloon class. This is the code that shows the highlight: 

  // Incrementally expand the balloon when clicked
  grow() {
    this.balloonSize += this.growthAmount;  // Increase size by a fixed amount per click

  // Check if the balloon is clicked
  isClicked(px, py) {
    let d = dist(px, py, this.x, this.y);  // Distance from mouse to balloon center
    return d < this.balloonSize / 2;  // Check if mouse is inside the balloon

  // Change color and grow when clicked
  clicked() {
    this.color = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));  // New random color
    this.grow();  // Incremental growth with each click


Embedded Sketch 


Future Reflections and Ideas for Future Work

Looking ahead, there are several ways I could improve and expand upon this project. One idea is to implement a balloon popping mechanic, where balloons could “pop” after reaching a certain size, adding another layer of interaction and completion. This could involve sound effects to make the interaction even more satisfying and immersive for the user.

Additionally, I could introduce different behaviors for each balloon, such as varying floating speeds or randomized directions, to make the scene feel more dynamic. Another potential improvement would be to add more complex user interactions, like dragging balloons or having them respond to other inputs such as keyboard presses.

Finally, I’d like to explore using advanced animations to create a more gamified experience. These ideas could help make the project more engaging and add more variety for the user.

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