My work was inspired by my exploration of recreating the kaleidoscopic visuals using the concept of optical art that I learnt from the artist Victor Vasarely. His works plays with perception and geometric patterns and color. His work inspired me to create infinitely evolving visuals that portray the kaleidoscope. I was also looking into exploring the concept of randomness in creating art as learnt from Casey Reas In the previous weeks reading.
Visual code
Click mouse to change color and press keys to change rotating speed.
Code Highlight
class Tile { constructor(x, y, w, h, size, col) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.size = size; this.angle = 0; // Rotation angle this.growthSpeed = random(0.01, 0.03); // Controls how fast size oscillates this.rotationSpeed = random(0.02, 0.05); // Controls the rotation speed this.col = col; } // Update the size and angle of the tile update() { this.size += sin(frameCount * this.growthSpeed) * 2; // Size oscillates over time this.angle += this.rotationSpeed; // Rotate over time } // Display the tiles display() { push(); translate(this.x, this.y); //Move origin to center rotate(this.angle); //rotate on angle fill(this.col); noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); rect(0, 0, this.size, this.size); pop(); } // color of tile changeColor() { this.col = color(random(255), random(255), random(255)); } // increase/decrease rotation speed changeSpeed() { this.rotationSpeed += random(-0.03, 0.03); // Change speed randomly } } // Change colors of all tiles when the mouse is pressed function mousePressed() { for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { tiles[i].changeColor(); // Change color } } // Modify the rotation speed of tiles when a key is pressed function keyPressed() { for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { tiles[i].changeSpeed(); // Change rotation speed } }
My code implementation was quite smooth since I took a simple approach. I am proud of how I implemented my class function in a very simple way.
Reflection/Future improvements
I am really proud of my progress so far. I have been able to be more creative in coming up with the art work and my implementation. I am also proud of how I have implemented the object oriented programming for the assignment. I have also incorporated user interactivity to my work which is really impressive. However, there is still room for improvement. In future works I would like to improve my user interactivity more and also work on having a 3D version. Overall I am proud with what I have been able to come up with