Assignment 3: Basketball Player



There wasn’t a specific artwork that inspired my piece, instead my inspiration just came from watching basketball over the  weekend. The artwork features a stickman dribbling a basketball, and the ball and stickman follows the horizontal movement of your mouse.


Code Highlight:

class Stickman {
  constructor(x, y, size) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.size = size; = y + 65;    //seperate variable for the left arm y to make it move
    this.lyspeed = 1;     //speed variable of left arm

  show() {
    // Draw the stickman's body parts
    circle(this.x, this.y, this.size);                     // Head
    line(this.x, this.y + 37, this.x, this.y + 186);       // Body
    line(this.x, this.y + 186, this.x - 49, height);       // Left leg
    line(this.x, this.y + 186, this.x + 52, height);       // Right leg
    line(this.x - 2, this.y + 60, this.x - 81,;  // Left arm with moving ly
    line(this.x - 2, this.y + 60, this.x + 36, this.y + 112);  // Right arm remains static

  move() {
    // Move the left arm = + this.lyspeed;

  limit() {
    // Limit the arm movement between y+65 and y+80
    if ( > this.y + 80 || < this.y + 65) {
      this.lyspeed = this.lyspeed * -1;  

This class I created was in charge of the stickman. Specifically I want to focus on the arm movement part of the code, which is the variables ly, lyspeed, and the functions move and limit. Initially I had all the variables for all four limbs be the same, which resulted in all four limbs moving at the same time in my sketch, which was not what I intended. Instead, i solved this issue my creating a separate variable that would only vary the y variable of the line that was being drawn, creating an illusion of hand movement, bouncing the ball.

Future Improvements:

One part of the assignment where I wasn’t able to figure out was how to connect the movement of the bouncing ball and the hand movement, to ensure they are always synced up. Right now, they are moving at different speeds, so the animation could go out of sync sometimes. I also want to improve by adding more functions, such as being able to shoot into the hoops.

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