Week 3 – Object-Oriented Programming

Concept: I wanted to create an interactive art piece while challenging myself code-wise. I settled on a little game of popping balloons. I used class to make the circles. I also randomized colors from a set of specific colors in an array. The interactive part of the art is when a circle is clicked, it disappears, giving the popping effect.

Code: I’m specifically proud of this line of code because I used the not condition to check whether to continue growing based on a mouse click.

grow() {
    if (!this.clicked) { // Only grow if not clicked
      this.radius += this.growthRate;
      if (this.radius > this.maxRadius) {
        this.radius = this.maxRadius; // Capping the radius

Problems: A problem I faced was having the circles overlap the text, hiding it from sight. Another one was needing to refresh the sketch to repeat the art. I wish I could have implemented a way that when all balloons are popped, it regenerates them by itself.


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