Reading Reflection 1

Casey Reas ideology of art made me reevaluate my thought that art is something that should be consciously shaped by an artist. His concept makes me embrace the capabilities of letting the unknown unfold and curating it to become what one wants it to be and this is enough to be considered as creativity. I bared the thought that randomness in art is an accident but on viewing his catalogue of artwork I came to understand that randomness is an active and thoughtful way to come up with new possibilities in art. This has changed my view of artists ownership where an artists role is not reduced but rather redefined as someone who curates chance and thus expanding what is considered  art.

Ultimately, Reas discussion on randomness in art has impacted how I approach my creativity in art. The idea of using chance not as an afterthought but as a way of discovery creates more freedom in art. This has inspired me to take chance as an opportunity rather than a risk as in this way I become a collaborator with the unknown, guiding it to become something surprising yet deeply personal. This has consequently enlightened me that art is not just the outcome but rather everything from the imagination, process and implementation and it is not only what is planned but what comes out naturally through the process.

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