Reading Reflection | Week 2

Casey Reas explored the interplay between order and chaos in art. The artworks he showed in the start intrigued me, it was simple but didn’t look like art created by code. It felt organic, having movement even through it was still. It maintained a sense of human touch and spontaneity despite its underlying systematic principles; the mix of chaos and order. 

I liked his approach and perspective. towards the end he says the graphics are underwhelming/simple. But he thinks it encourages you to look closer (his goal). I like the last art pieces he showed where it’s interactive in how the art piece ends. As you have control to create as well. He claims that each of these are algorithmically uninteresting. Except the idea of being able to expose the system, which he finds engaging. I think this explains art perfectly: the relationship between surface simplicity and underlying complexity. That the value of art lies not in its immediate visual impact but its capacity to reveal the deeper truth and meaning of it. That also viewing art and understanding the process/meaning of it gives you two very different perspectives.

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