Assignment 2


I got my inspiration from this tree while watching my sisters play.

I wanted to create a tree that showcased the four seasons. And when you would move the mouse around the tree you would get to see the different seasons in each corner. Then when pressed, it would be dark (night). And just for visuals sake have the leaves fall automatically.



I couldn’t figure out how to include all 4 seasons without rewriting most of what I already did, so I moved on. I ended up adding apples, and when you move the mouse around the leaves they appear on the tree as well. When the sketch is pressed the autumn version appears; where instead of apples falling they are now leaves. 

Falling circles effect


There isn’t a code I’m proud of, I’m mainly happy that I was able to take something that I envisioned and was able to create it since I was worried about that.

But I am pleased with how easily I was able to incorporate the loop function.

//   leaves
  for (let x=0; x<=width; x+=35){
    for (let y=0; y<=height; y+=50){


I think it would be cool to incorporate all four seasons instead of two. Also if I could actually recreate the game that originally inspired me; and be able to somehow catch the apples.

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