For this assignment, my concept was a self portrait of me, wearing a NYU shirt, and a sunny and sandy background. I utilized basic shapes to construct the portrait, with the concept being me in NYUAD right now. I aimed to recreate my hairstyle as much as I could on a 2D space. Apart from the portrait of myself, I also drew the sun in the background, which I believe is an important feature of Abu Dhabi.
I implemented a feature where the nightsky, moon, and stars would show when you click down on the canvas. I used an if statement to detect whether a mouse button was being held down, which is detected with the function ‘mouseIsPressed’.
if (mouseIsPressed){ //nightsky fill(40) rect(0,0,400,250) fill(190) //moon circle(0,0,250) fill(240) circle(30,24,30) fill(230) circle(16,81,15) fill(215) circle(48,83,20) fill(242) circle(87,19,15) fill(250) circle(70,50,30) //stars fill(255) circle(294,25,2) circle(187,42,2) circle(361,52,2) circle(218,9,2) circle(276,115,2) circle(279,70,2) circle(355,85,2) circle(133,91,2) circle(215,85,2) }
For the drawing of the rays of the sun, I tediously drew the triangles one by one to achieve the way I wanted it to look. This was quite time consuming and wasn’t very efficient. In the future, I could utilize a loop to speed up this process.