Week 1: Self – Portrait

My Concept:

As the first assignment, I thought to keep things simple but also to add some personality into it. The background is a beach. One thing about me is that I absolutely cannot tolerate the beach – it is one of those outings I just cannot stand and enjoy. So as I started to create this piece, I thought to implement that (which is why I look so unhappy haha)

In terms of code, I decided to include some user interactivity. If you do click on me, then I end up blushing for as long as you press on the mouse.  I was quite happy with this part of the code because it took me some time to decide on what particular user interactivity I wanted.

if (mouseIsPressed) {
  ellipse(460, 400, 40, 40); // blush on the right cheek
  ellipse(300, 400, 40, 40); // blush on the left cheek


This first assignment was quite an enjoyable one, because I liked getting the opportunity make something both creative and having a technical element into it. I suppose the most time consuming thing was editing the circles for the eyes and pupils, deciding where exactly they go and their sizes. I think this assignment helped me to have a solid understanding in how p5.js operates. I had hit a wall when I was drawing the hair on the character. It just looked awkward, especially as there was none present at the forehead, hence I decided to give her a fringe. If I had another opportunity, perhaps I would elevate the work by adding facial expressions and adding some text.

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