User Testing

Initial Interaction Without Instructions:
– Confusion: Users were initially confused about the purpose of the buttons and how to interact with the games. The lack of clear instructions or visual cues made it difficult for them to understand the mapping between the controls and the on-screen actions.
– Exploration: Despite the confusion, users were curious and began experimenting with the buttons to see what would happen. Through trial and error, some users could figure out the basic controls for movement within the games.


– Button Mapping: The mapping between the button colors and the directions (especially in the Snake game) seemed arbitrary and non-intuitive to users.Game Selection: The process of navigating the menu and selecting games was not immediately apparent.
– Game Mechanics: Users familiar with Tetris and Snake could grasp the gameplay quickly, but those unfamiliar struggled to understand the objectives and rules.

Positive Aspects:
-Visual Appeal: The flip-dot display was visually engaging and drew users’ attention.
– Physical Controls: Users enjoyed the tactile experience of using physical buttons rather than a touchscreen or keyboard.
– Nostalgia Factor: For users familiar with the classic Atari games, the project evoked a sense of nostalgia and brought back positive memories.

Areas for Improvement:
– Clear Instructions: Provide concise and easy-to-understand instructions on the display or through a separate guide.
– Intuitive Controls: Consider using more intuitive button mapping or providing visual cues on the buttons to indicate their functions. For example, arrows could represent direction in the Snake game.

Areas Requiring Explanation:
– Button Functions: The purpose and mapping of each button needed an explanation, especially for the Snake game, where the color-direction association was not intuitive.
– Menu Navigation: Entering the game menu and selecting games required clarification.
– Game Rules (for unfamiliar users): A brief overview of the basic rules and objectives of Tetris and Snake would be beneficial for users who haven’t played these games before.

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