Reading Reflection – Week 11

This reading challenges the current trend in technology interfaces, which he criticizes as merely “Pictures Under Glass.” He argues that this approach severely underutilizes the complex capabilities of human hands, which are not only meant for touching but also for manipulating objects in rich and varied ways. This is intriguing because it prompts us to rethink how we interact with technology. Victor’s perspective is a wake-up call to consider more innovative and natural interactions beyond the confines of screens and opens up exciting possibilities for future technological developments that genuinely enhance human abilities rather than constrain them.

What I find particularly interesting is the emphasis on the need for inspired people to drive this change. It’s a reminder of the power of visionairy thinking in technology and the responsibility of creators and funders to strive for meaningful advancements, not just incremental changes, not just accepting technology as it is, but imagining and working towards what it could be to enhance human interaction.

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