Week 12 Reading Response: Designing for Disability

Designs, designs, designs. Throughout our whole life everything we see was designed and adapted for us (humans) to be used in the most practical and (sometimes) efficient way. The thing is that, all of these things more often than note don’t take into account people with disabilities.

One of the problems for that, as mentioned in the reading, is that people with disabilities cannot be exactly grouped the same as an “average human”. What I mean by that is the design process for items used by people with disabilities needs to be more tailored individually, because these people, even though they might be diagnosed with the same type of disability, very often have different ways of experiencing the world and “fighting” through the disability.

On the bright side, recently, I have seen more applications and Programs/ Games which seamlessly incorporate designs which take these people into account. One example is the game Fortnite. Fortnite has a special menu in the Video Settings where you can change the colors based on the Persons Type and Level of daltonism. This changes all the colors on the screen and allows for the player to have a normal playing experience. Another feature this game has is the Sound circle, which is a circle which appears around the character displaying where sounds come from, so this takes people with hearing disabilities into account.

It has also been a pleasure to be a witness of an IM Project last semester from one of my friends. He made a small machine which would let users hear a word and then learn the Braille alphabet. I thought this was a very nice design, with small pads that mimic the little dots from the Alphabet.

I feel like in the future we need to contribute to the community even more by adding more designs which would further improve the life of people with disabilities. The change starts from US!


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