Week 12 – Final Update

My final concept remains the same, although I would like to make it something a bit more. I am considering making it into an allegory for attention by having the sensor control a tracking flashlight. I have yet to figure out how I can attach and control a flashlight in an elegant manner, but that will come with time. Additionally, I have some music playing to enhance the contemplative nature of the piece.

I have begun playing around with methods of attaching the sensor to a servo. Likely, I will attach it to a wheel that was provided with the kit and disguise the wheel with some paper.

I have yet to figure out what exactly I should use the p5 portion for except for music. Initially I wanted a radar-like display but that is no longer suitable for what I want to make. Maybe if I don’t figure out the flashlight problem, I can just have a flashlight or stage graphic on the screen that changes on whether the sensor detects someone or not.

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