W12- Final Project Draft 1


I have always been interested in the complexity of human emotion and humanness in different art forms. For my final project, I have chosen to delve deeper into my interest by exploring the concept of humanness through the integration of technology and art. Central to this exploration is the utilization of a pulse sensor, a device capable of detecting heartbeats in real-time. I intend for the pulse sensor to serve as a bridge between the physical digital digital worlds, which can help me capture the intimate and raw rhythms of the human heart, reflecting the concept I want to bring to life. By using physiological data, I aim to create a dynamic and interactive experience using the p5js canvas as my medium to display it. To add to the interactive and immersive experience I am trying to create, I want to add a piezo buzzer to create noise as the user moves the mouse horizontally across the canvas. These different noises can help cultivate a deeper immersive experience for users. Therefore, the main vision for my project is to craft an immersive experience where users not only witness but engage with the essence of human emotion through visual art, color, and sound. 


Like how the person in the image is moving the interactive are piece with his hands, facilitating movement, I want to create a digital form of something similar where users can move their mouse horizontally to create dynamic movement just like in the image.

Design and Description of Arduino and P5 Program:

The Arduino program will mainly be responsible for receiving data from the pulse sensor via serial communication with the P5 program. Meanwhile, the P5 program will create an interactive visualization using the data received from the pulse sensor. The addition of a piezo buzzer adds another layer of sensory engagement, immersing users deeper into the experience. The buzzer will create various noises utilizing the horizontal position of the mouse on the P5 canvas as data to create sound.  By integrating the functionalities of both Arduino and P5, the project creates a holistic and immersive experience that captivates users and invites them to explore the intricate interplay between humanness, technology, art, and sound.


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