Luke Nguyen – Final Project Idea – DJ Turntable/Audio Workstation

Updated Sunday April 28:

My final project idea is a DJ Turntable/Audio Workstation that can allow users to input music from Arduino using a special glove into p5 and visualize it. The idea for the project comes from this Mimu glove.

Users can send music notes from Arduino to p5 using different sensors such as pressure sensors, distance sensors, and either an accelerometer or a gyrometer.

Using the pressure sensors attached to the tip of the glove that they wear, users can transfer 7 basic music notes from C to B into p5 by tapping their fingers or tapping on the table?. Simultaneously combining it with a distance sensors placed on the table, they can change the frequency/pitch of the music notes, ranging from B0 to D#8 that Arduino can interpret (if they input the music notes using their fingers then the distance sensor should be placed in a way that can red their hands’ position. Keeping doing that until they have generated something either funky, something following a stream of consciousness, or a nice melody.

In terms of generating rhythm, the users can input rhythm from Arduino to p5 by using the same method, or should I use the accelerometer/gyrometer to sense motion to input the rhythm?

As of now, I’m thinking of having users control all the melody and the rhythm by just utilizing the pressure sensor and the distance sensor as a simple way, or incorporating an accelerometer/gyrometer to measure their wrists’ motion and input their drum as a more advanced way.

These music notes will be recorded, once the p5 don’t detect the users generate the music notes for more than 5/8/10 secs?, it will save the melody and keep looping it. This melody will be visualized. This will apply to the rhythm as well.

Users can input at most 5 melodies/rhythms and have them visualized.

Added Thursday, April 25:

My final project idea is a DJ Turntable that can allow users to control music using Arduino and p5.

Initially my idea is about controlling music with the potentiometer on Arduino but the song mixing will be inside p5 (mixing the melody of one song with the melody of another song).

Users can send music notes from potentiometer inside Arduino to p5, then mix the notes inside p5, and then send it back to Arduino to play.

Professor’s comments:
– Utilize Touch sensor from Arduino, remix songs in p5,

– Make turntable funky on Arduino board with different settings using buttons, sensors, control everything on the Arduino but mix the songs in p5,

– When someone DJ for 5 secs, the LEDs blink up and down like in a club,
– Use flex sensor to change frequency, use pressure sensor to […],

  • Don’t depend on Arduino to play sound

The DJ Turntable will be incorporated with Music Visualizer:
– Send music from Arduino into p5 to visualize in visualizers (maybe galaxy theme like the ones shown in the hallway from decoding nature class?)

– P5 send visualizers back to Arduino to light up the LEDS to light up accordingly to the colors inside the visualizer.

Visualizer in p5 examples:
– Sine and cosine
– How users choose songs
– Maybe frequency change wave, amplitude change colors….

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