Week 11 Reading Response: Of course I want JARVIS from Iron Man in my life, but I also love NATURE!

This weeks Reading response was very interesting for me. We always say that we can’t wait to see what the future holds and that we want flying cars and simplified life but what we don’t realize is that the future is NOW. The world is shifting in a tremendous pace, I mean look at AI, ChatGPT and other AI platforms have changed our views about Information on the Internet completely in the last 2-3 Years!

The real question is, how far do we need to go? How much is too much? We have all seen those Terminator movies, Judgement day and AI and Robots taking over, but I think that those technologies are very missenterpreted in the movies. As a firm Nature Lover and at the same time a religious person, I believe that those type of thoughts or the direction of which the world is heading to is a little bit too much. Why you would ask? There is always a limit of what we can do before it comes bad / or unhealthy. What makes us connected to earth is nature and our complete sense of it. From sandy beaches to incredible jungles, snowy mountains and wonderful lakes, Earth offers us whatever we would possibly want. That is what makes us human. Now why am I saying all this, well because as the years go we are moving further and further away from mother nature. Yes I understand (and I support) human centered design that will make our lives easier but what we keep forgetting is nature. So why don’t we center our research more on nature instead of us? Why does everything have to revolve around us?

On the flip side though, we can use AI and other Technologies to make the world a better place. Like imaging having Jarvis as an assistant in your everyday life.

This can help us make life easier and access to other people and information would be much much faster but I do not support this as a reason not to become closer to nature or people. Like why do we have to replace going to the Maldives with watching the Maldives on a VR screen. Or for example seeing your family in real life and having a talk over a coffee instead of just texting on Social Media.

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