Week 11 – Bret Victor’s Rant

In Bret Victor’s rant called A Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design an important element that is commonly forgotten in the realm of designing future interfaces is hands! I have never read anything that focused on something as mundane as hands this passionately but it is true! 

Victor categorizes the function of hands into feeling and manipulation, something that I was never fully aware of until it was pointed out in the rant, our hands have programmed ways of holding several different items in so many ways it is choreographed in such a way where it is efficient and functional. 

So it makes sense that the future of interaction design focuses on our hands and their function, but that doesn’t limit other sensory aspects such as eye tracking or voice user interface, of course, our hands have been our main interaction facilitator however that doesn’t mean it would continue to be so.

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