Final Project Proposal: Become a sailor of one of the most fun small boats in the world!

For my Final Project I have thought about the Idea of creating a small boat which we would be able to control with our hands.

Okay okay I agree that is very very plain but stay with me while I explain exactly what my plan is and how I will combine the Arduino with p5.js.

My idea is to 3d print a boat bed which would accommodate the Arduino and some batteries which would be used to power a DC Motor which would have a fan on it. I want to attach the DC Motor to a Servo motor just so I am able to change directions easier.

For controls I want to use a specific Ultra-Sonic sensor which we have available in the Connect2 booking system. This will determine if the boat will go to the left or right, faster or slower.

Finally, by connecting the Arduino to p5js. I’m planning to display the speed, and direction of the boat –  kind of like a dashboard in a car.

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