Final idea final project – Self driving car in parking

I am going to build a parking for a self-driving car that parks itself.

There are various steps for building this parking.

First of all, I am going to concentrate on building the self-driving car. This car will follow a black line on the ground.


The car will drive straight. When the ultrasonic sensor detects the parking bar it will stop. Here is where all the parking function starts.

The parking will detect if there are free slots in the parking. If there is no room for the car, the P5 will tell the driver “Sorry, we’re full” and the red traffic light will light up. If there is an available slot a message in P5 will appear saying “Welcome, go to parking X (and the number). When this message is displayed the Stop bar will open controlled by a servo motor, the green LED in the traffic light will light and the car will go to the available spot.

(Question, how do I make the self-driving car go to the free parking  slot)

Once the car is on top of the free parking slot the FSR(force-sensitive resistor) will detect the car and turn the traffic light red. the ultrasonic resistor will stop as it will detect the parking wall.


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