Week 11 Reading Response

The Brief Rant is a thought out argument for changing our perspective towards our current approach to interaction design and calling the need for other mediums. It focuses on the limits of our current technology and the implications it has on us.

The analogy between kid’s book depriving adults of the complexity of english vocab same goes to touchscreens to restricting interaction design and our capabilities.

In considering another real-world example, my mind goes to VR and AR. Although these technologies have advanced considerably in the past couple of years, there’s still lots of room for growth in terms of interaction design. Picture this: VR systems could undergo enhancement with haptic feedback technology, where it would enbale more immersion.

The other reading also highlights how adeptly we use our hands in everyday tasks, like opening jars and making sandwiches, contrasting this natural interaction with the detached experience of using flat screens. It questions why we settle for interfaces that don’t harness the richness of human touch and manipulation. The author is calling for a interactive design movement that I do see coming in the next couple years hopefully!

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