Reading response – Interaction Design

Reading Bret Victor’s passionate critique of interaction design felt like he was voicing my own frustrations. Why do so many interfaces feel clunky and unnatural, forcing us to think like computers instead of them adapting to us? His call for a future where technology interacts with us as seamlessly as human speech resonated deeply.
The comparison he draws between current interfaces and the early days of written language is particularly powerful. It highlights the vast potential for improvement and reminds us that we’re still in the infancy of designing truly intuitive and human-centered interactions.
Victor’s vision connects with projects like the Tangible Media Group’s shape-shifting displays, where the digital and physical blend seamlessly. It’s exciting to imagine a future where interacting with technology is as natural as speaking or gesturing.
This rant is a powerful call to action. It challenges us to break free from limitations and create technology that empowers and inspires. It’s a future I’m eager to contribute to, where technology enhances our lives instead of holding us back.

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