Final Project Proposal – Saeed Lootah

Russian Roulette


Going into the final project I had a few ideas, some of which I had before the midterm. One of the ideas I had was Russian Roulette, but you get electrocuted instead of getting shot. I felt this was a much safer way of playing Russian Roulette whilst also giving each player the chance to play again if they want to. I chose electrocution because I felt the game still needed some kind of stake, otherwise it’s not nearly as exciting.


The plan is to have a two player game where each player sits across from the other on a table. To the side of the table is a screen which displays the number of lives each player has as well as an animation that will play when the round starts, when the “gun” is shot, and when the shot is a blank. The screen will also display information about who’s turn it is, and also will allow the players to see a tutorial and also allow the players to play another round. In the game there wont be a physical gun as such, the players will use buttons to control who to electrocute, themselves or the the other person, and sometimes it will be a blank. I may represent the bullets as resistors in any of the drawings just to add to the effect of Russian roulette. As for the electrocution: There will be a device upon which the player will place their hand and in the event that the player will be electrocuted the device will only deliver a small electric shock. I will not make this device myself (I do not trust myself, nor am I willing to test it), so I will search, as I already have been doing, for a small device which can deliver a small, harmless, electric shock.

Side note: The game will be properly labeled with safety signs to indicate that only people above the age of 18 can play and that there are electric shocks involved.

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