Final Project Ideas by Marcos Hernández


For the final project, I am quite conflicted between the following two ideas: A platformer that uses light to move platforms or a Wario Ware like game which uses as much of the interactive mediums from Arduino as possible.

A platformer that uses light to move platforms

This project would be inspired by the simple mechanics of a platformer game like Super Mario Bros., but the difference is that, aside from only walking, the player possesses the power to interact with platforms through the use of light. This would be possible with the use of a photoresistor.

The game would consist of a set of three levels in P5, with the player only having three lives through the whole session. As for the controls, it would use a pair of two buttons to control the movement while a dedicated flashlight, that is close, is going to assist in moving the platforms. The platforms will have a set axis to move, and although simple and monotonous, obstacles such as flying bullets or damaging movable obstacles can also be included.

The Turbo $1 Flashlight | Arduino Project Hub

Figure #1 Image used for reference regarding the flashlight (Englishscone, 2018).

A Wario Ware like game using Arduino

Wario Ware is a video game developed by Nintendo that debuted in 2003. It presents a series of video games which include moving an umbrella to make sure a cat does not get wet to shaking the hand of a dog. All of this is done through the use of the characteristic touch screen capabilities of a Nintendo device. Therefore, the approach to this game using Arduino would be to randomize the set of minigames and prepare all the needed inputs in the Arduino devices.

For example, in P5, if a minigame requires that the player presses the button 10 times quickly, the player has to do so in the button that is near the Arduino. The other scenario as well is if the player needs to turn off the light in the minigame, which in this case would be done by covering the photoresistor.

The issue itself in this game would lie in how to convey rapidly what kind of input does the game want, as well as providing the Arduino input controls attractively.

Wario Ware Inc Mini Game Mania Review - Game Boy Reviews - Retro Garden

Figure #2 Some of the minigames presented in Wario Ware (Nintendo, 2003-Present day).


As always, all of these ideas will possibly change. Nevertheless, if this is given the time to properly experiment on the possibility of completing the selected project, then there is a guaranteed level of success only if ambitions are controlled and the video game is iterated multiple times.

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