Final Project Concept: Fruit Ninja with Gesture Recognition

Concept: This project aims to create a physically interactive version of the popular game Fruit Ninja using Arduino and P5.js. Instead of swiping on a touchscreen, players will use a glove equipped with flex sensors to control the game through hand gestures.

Arduino: An Arduino board will be used to read data from the flex sensors on the glove.
Flex Sensors: These sensors will be attached to the glove’s fingers, detecting the bending motion when the player performs slicing gestures.
P5.js: P5.js will be used to create the game environment, display the fruits, and detect collisions between the virtual sword (player’s hand) and the fruits.

Calibration: The player will initially calibrate the system by performing various hand gestures, allowing the Arduino to establish a baseline for each sensor and determine the range of motion.
Fruit Slicing: Fruits will appear on the screen, similar to the original game. The player will slice through the air with their hand, and the flex sensors will detect the bending of the fingers.
Data Transmission: The Arduino will send data from the flex sensors to P5.js via serial communication.
Collision Detection: P5.js will analyze the sensor data and determine if the player’s “virtual sword” (hand movement) intersects with a fruit on the screen.

Feedback: Successful slices will result in visual and auditory feedback, such as the fruit splitting apart and a slicing sound effect.
Scoring: The game will keep track of the player’s score based on the number of fruits sliced and the accuracy of their movements.

Sensor Calibration: Ensuring accurate and consistent readings from the flex sensors will be crucial for responsive gameplay.
Gesture Recognition: Developing an algorithm in P5.js to reliably translate sensor data into slicing actions will require careful design and testing.
Latency: Minimizing lag between the player’s movements and the game’s response is essential for a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Potential Enhancements:
Haptic Feedback: Integrating vibration motors into the glove could provide physical feedback when the player slices a fruit, further enhancing immersion.

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