Assignment #11 – Midterm Idea

For the final project, I am thinking of making a camera on wheels. I was inspired by a panther dolly, which consists of a track and a mount with wheels on which the camera goes. Essentially, there is someone pushing the dolly when scenes require the camera to sturdily follow the character along a line.



While there is usually a camera operator working on the dolly, I thought to myself, why not make a moving camera that follows the actor without needing someone to push it on the track?


That way, it can even make cellphone cinema easier!


The Arduino part would consist of a button to start and stop recording, a LED light that indicates whether it is recording or not, and a Piezo buzzer that makes a sound when the button is first clicked to record. I would also need to incorporate the wheels and a way to control them, perhaps with a remote?


The p5 part would essentially consist of a video feedback, and maybe a way to save the videos somewhere.


Now, I feel like this may be a bit too ambitious, especially that I have struggled more with Arduino than with p5. If I feel like I won’t be able to do it, I might tweak some elements. But I would be really interested in creating something like this!

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