Week 11 | Creative Reading response

“A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design” by Bret Victor is a rant about the lack of innovative vision for future technologies. Seeing the video at the beginning, I first thought that this seems like a great future. However, as I read the article, I increasingly came to the realization that the future shown in the video could be much better and visionary . Victor’s criticism of the use of only fingers got me thinking that if we could do so many things with just a finger, how many possibilities could be unlocked if we used our entire hand? He talks about this in detail and heavily criticized visions of the future that focus on just screens. This made me realize that I should look to make something that involves interaction from the entire hand and involves as much touch interaction as possible using tactile interfaces such as buttons.

Although Victor does not offer a solution to his rant, his way of thinking inspires me.  Although he does not present a solution, he states the problem very clearly and I agree with him. I would love to work on something that uses tactile input from more than just a fingertip for my future projects and for my Final project for this course too .

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