Reading Reflections- Week 11

A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design

In this reading, the author criticizes current ways we interact with technology, saying they’re not very imaginative and don’t use our skills well. He argues that technology should help us do things better by using our hands and bodies. For example, he talks about the importance of our hands by pointing out that current touchscreens don’t let us feel things, which is important for doing our day to day activities like cleaning, cooking, playing video games etc. The author wants us to think bigger and create technology that works more like our hands and bodies do, giving us more natural and useful ways to interact with it.

Reading this made me think about times when I’ve been frustrated with technology that doesn’t feel intuitive. I remembered struggling with a graphic design program that felt disconnected from how I usually use my hands. It’s interesting to think about how much we rely on our sense of touch in everyday tasks. The author’s idea of creating technology that feels more natural and responsive is something I want to learn more about.

I’m curious about how we can make technology feel more like using our hands. It makes sense that if technology felt more like real life, it would be much easier to use. I wonder what kinds of new inventions might come out of thinking this way, and how they could change the way we do things every day.

A follow-up article

The author’s first article made me think about how I get frustrated with technology that doesn’t feel like how I do things in real life. He said that technology should help us use our hands and bodies better, which I totally agree with. Now, reading the follow up article, I like their ideas even more.

In this follow-up article, he talks more about how technology should work with our natural abilities. He gave examples of how our hands and fingers do things easily, like opening a jar. It made me think about how technology could be more like that. I’m excited about the idea of technology feeling more like real life. But I also wonder how we can make it happen. How can we make technology that really helps us do things better? And how might these advancements impact not just our daily tasks, but also our creativity and well-being?

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