Reading Reflection – Week #11

This week’s reading reflection was about “A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design” by Bret Victor. I agree with the notion of tapping into the potential of human body and its capabilities. The technology nowadays heavily relies on vision and touch and the use of our hands, but I like the idea of offering more comprehensive technology that goes beyond simple touch and sliding your hand across a screen.

It could be argued that there are voice controls that could be especially useful for user with visual impairments, but they are far from the usefulness of vision and hands. A next step in voice controlled software could be achieved by the use of LLMs and Artificial Intelligence, but the author talks about the incompleteness of audio controls and its limitations in the follow-up article about his rant. Although the touch technology has its constraints, it is getting better by involving the pressure neurons in our hands, like incorporating 3d touch sensors in our screens which makes the situation a little better, but still far from the ideal the author talks about.

The author does not offer solutions for the problems of current technology, but advocates for a more thoughtful use of the capabilities of our hands. deviating from the topic of hands, I was thinking of going a step further, but not necessarily in the direction of using our bogy. We are somewhat stepping over the solutions tat could be offered by our body and going directly into the brain with “Neuralink”. Brain chips and their future would not require detailed technology that uses our bodies, as the controls would be directly supplied by our brain. However, I still think that using the untapped potential of just our hands would be a great step towards much more interactivity in human technology.

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