Final Project Ideas

Preliminary Project Ideas:

Match the Color! 

I would like to create a game inspired by popular TikTok challenges where users try to replicate the color of various objects by blending multiple colors. In this game, players will attempt to guess the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values of a color displayed on their monitor. The interface will include three potentiometers, each dedicated to adjusting one of the RGB components. The goal is for players to match their potentiometer settings to the actual RGB values of the displayed color as closely as possible. Success in achieving a close match will result in a win.

Save the Cat

Inspired by Pou, a game I often played as a child, I would like to create a game where the user rescues an abandoned kitten from the street and helps it find a loving family. This game would consist of three stages:

Picture of Pou 

  • Washing the Kitten: Using a potentiometer, the user must control the water temperature to find the perfect warmth for washing the kitten.
  • Medical Treatment for the Kitten: The user will be presented with several choices (e.g., bandages, pills, and ice packs). Based on the kitten’s condition, the user must make appropriate decisions about which items to use, facilitated by button switches.
  • Finding a New Family for the Kitten: The goal is to find a kind-hearted family with positive characteristics. This stage involves a game where the user uses a joystick to avoid bad qualities and collect good ones.

Steak Cooking Game

Inspired by Cooking Mama, one of my favorite games from my childhood, I aim to create a steak cooking game. This game would consist of three stages:

  • Buying Ingredients: This stage is similar to the dinosaur game that appears when there is no internet. Obstacles and ingredients move towards the user, who must use a button switch to dodge the obstacles and collect the necessary ingredients.
  • Cooking the Steak: Initially, the user must start a fire using a potentiometer, adjusting it to find the ideal heat level for the steak. The user must then cook the steak on the grill using button switch,  being cautious not to burn or undercook it.
  • Applying Sauce to the Steak: In this final stage, the user uses a pressure sensor to apply the right amount of sauce to the steak.

Heartbeat-Based Music Player

In this project, I will use a pulse sensor to obtain the user’s heartbeat data. The system will then ask the user to select their mood from four options: happy, sad, angry, or calm. Based on these inputs, the system will recommend music to the user.


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