Final Project Idea

Hands as Controllers

I am not sure how feasible is this idea. However, I want to display the silhouettes of the hand’s actions through the LED lights. As the hand moves, the lights will light up based on the changes of location of the hand. Below is an illustration of the idea:

The way the hand moves will decide on how the light will behave. I am intending to use the ML5 library from p5.js to track the hand movements. The data return from the library function will be mapped into the LED lights that will light up accordingly.

Map Drawing

I want to have p5js as a drawing tool that can decide on the path that the 4-wheel motor model can run on. However, I want this to be drawn using the hands in the air, using different libraries in p5js. Then the data can be transferred to the model to allow the motor to run. Also, the model will have distance sensor to detect any blockage in the pathway to stop accordingly.

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