Afra binjerais – Week 11 reading response

Reading 1:

I found great resonance in reading the assessment of the shortcomings of the interfaces used by modern technology, particularly the widespread “Pictures Under Glass” method. It caused me to reevaluate how I use technology and how these regular interactions lack the tactile depth. I became dissatisfied with the devices that rule my life after reading the author’s claim that our future interfaces will not be visionary; instead, they will only perpetuate the problems with the current system.
I was forced to consider how my devices, which are primarily touchscreens, feel impersonal and distant after reading the criticism. My laptop, phone, and even the smart devices at home operate with simple, repetitive motions that don’t have the complex feedback loop that comes with more tactile interactions. This insight made me uncomfortable since it brought to light a sensory deprivation that I was experiencing when interacting with the digital world. Compared to handling tangible objects like books or tools, I’m now more conscious of the shallowness of the experience and the flatness of the screens I swipe across on a regular basis.

Reading 2:

In reflecting on “A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design,” a key question emerges: How can designers and technologists create interactive technologies that truly enhance human capabilities and foster a deeper connection with our physical environment, rather than simply replicating or replacing traditional physical interactions?

This reading essentially aligns with an argument for a more deliberate approach to technology, one that honors and strengthens rather than ignores our cognitive and physical abilities. It serves as a reminder that, whether we are using, designing, or developing technology, our relationship with it should not be passive. Rather, we should support and push for advancements that genuinely increase human potential in terms of interacting with the digital world. This mode of thinking encourages us to imagine a future where technology supports and enhances human talents in more comprehensive and meaningful ways, which is in line with a larger philosophical dilemma concerning the role technology should play in our lives.

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