Week 10: Reading Response

Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits (and misses)

This reading allowed me to think of physical computing in a different approach. When coming up with ideas for a project, I usually take so much time to think of something that has never been done before. After looking at these works, they are merely inspired by other artists’ works, in which they may have similar themes in terms of interaction but also convey completely different messages and ideas. The works shown inspired me to think of my own iteration of these themes and ideas.

Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen

While reading this, it reminded me of a previous reading we had, The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman. Norman thinks that a design of something should communicate how it is going to be used. Similarly, this reading also tells us about how our artwork doesn’t have to give out instructions to others. We should allow our audience to interpret it themselves and receive feedback from them to adjust our work accordingly.

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