For this week’s assignment, I used potentiometer as an analogue sensor, and a tactile button as a digital sensor (switch) and two LEDs. For the LED that is controlled by the tactile button, I made it so that it blinks twice and the potentiometer for brightness control.
int led = 11; void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(8, OUTPUT); pinMode(A2, INPUT); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { int button1State = digitalRead(A2); int sensorValue = analogRead(A1); Serial.println(sensorValue); analogWrite(led, sensorValue/4); delay(30); if (button1State == HIGH) { digitalWrite(8, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(8, LOW); delay(1000); digitalWrite(8, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(8, LOW); delay(1000); } else if (button1State == LOW){ digitalWrite(8, LOW); } }