Week 10 | Creative Reading Response

“Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits ” was a very interesting and thought provoking article . It talks about different forms of Interactive projects related to physical computing . Several interesting ideas were presented . It provoked me to think about ideas for my IM Final project. Ideas such as the hands-as-cursor and the glove are really interesting to me and I hope I can build something inspired by them for my Final Project. Ideas like these that turn the human hand into a method for controlling an object or a screen is something I would love to work on . 

“Making Interactive Art” focuses more on the role of us as designers to create an experience of discovery for the user .The idea that the main goal is not to create an entire conversation but rather to start a conversation is something I would like to keep in mind while designing something interactive . This ties well with the idea of signifiers by Don Norman in the previous readings.  The idea of art that inspires rather than conveys has always been appealing to me. This notion of taking the user through a journey rather than specifying a fixed way of interacting with the work reminds me of the phrase “The journey is more beautiful than the destination ” . I hope to keep this in mind in my upcoming projects . 

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