Week 9 Shaikha Alkaabi – Wink at me

My Project Idea:

I decided to build a project using an Arduino board that can detect when I wink. At first, I thought about making something that could sense how close my body was to a sensor. Later on in class, my teacher mentioned we shouldn’t use sensors for this project because that’s not what DigitalRead is about. So, I had to think of something else. That’s when I thought about how I often wink without even realizing it. I figured, why not turn that into my project? Surprisingly, setting up the breadboard, which I thought would be tough, turned out to be easier than I expected.

How It Works:

  1. Circuit Setup: I attached two small pieces of aluminum foil in a way that they sit close to my eye, one above and one below. These foils are connected to the Arduino board. I also connected a green LED to the Arduino, which acts as the output signal.
  2. Detecting the Wink: When I wink, the eyelid movement causes the two pieces of aluminum foil to touch. This touch closes the circuit, similar to pressing a button, but it’s my wink that makes it happen.
  3. Interacting With the Project: To interact with my project, all I have to do is wink. The aluminum foil pieces make contact, the Arduino notices the change, and the green LED lights up in response.
  4. Feedback: The lighting up of the green LED serves as immediate feedback that my wink was detected. It’s a simple and effective way to communicate the input action.
    Some challenges that I faced with this project are:
  1.  Getting the aluminum foil just right so it detects winks without false triggers from other facial movements was tricky.
  2. Keeping the foil safe and comfortable to wear around my eye needed thoughtful setup and possibly skin-friendly materials to avoid irritation which is why I opted to use a bandaid, which still seemed to irritated the area around my eyes.

Project Video:

IMG_5451 2


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