Week 9: Unusual Switch (LED Bookmark)


When I was sitting on my desk thinking of ideas for this assignment, the first thing that came to mind was a book I saw right in front of me (which I’m relying on the most lately for my another class).

Then, I realized I actually don’t have a bookmark and every time I’m reading a book, I just write the page on my phone. So I decided to create kind of a “bookmark” that turn on the LED every time I close the book.


  • 1 green LED light
  • 1 330 ohm resistor
  • A breadboard
  • An Arduino board with the 5V and Ground outputs
  • 1 red, 1 black, and 1 blue jumper wires
  • USB cable
  • Tape
  • My book



The process of this circuit is really simple. Basically, I connected two jumper wires in the 5 V and Ground outputs of the Arduino. However, instead of connecting the 5 V directly into the breadboard, I pasted in one of the pages of the book. Then I used another jumper wire to do the connection between the resistor and the 5 V output.



I’m really satisfied with the outcome of the assignment, especially because I think experimenting is one of the best ways to learn Arduino. So, I’m getting more familiar with the logic and the process itself. When it comes to areas of improvement, I intend to explore more other materials, as well as other ways of connecting the circuit.

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