Assignment #9 – Code – ☆Shine On☆

For this assignment, I didn’t have many ideas, so I was thinking about how to make the switch useful in a way. I thought of a few things, but then saw that my classmates had already done them, so I tried thinking of something else. That’s when it hit me! There is nothing I hate more than forgetting to wear my jewelry, particularly my rings. When I leave my room without them, I just feel… naked? However, one thing I never forget to do is to turn off the lights. I will always notice when a light is still on, unfortunately for me much more than when my rings aren’t. So, I thought, why not make a switch that is on when my jewelry is on it, and off when it isn’t? Obviously, this is a very small-scale prototype, but it was worth a try.


For the sake of the assignment, I only used one ring. It had to be a conductive material, so I picked a gold ring. Then, I created my circuit:


And here is a video demonstration:


Finally, here is my circuit diagram:

Although it’s not a very complex circuit, I enjoyed creating it, particularly because I had missed two classes and wasn’t sure I had understood the process well. But I’m glad it worked out!


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