Luke Nguyen – Week 9 Assignment – Lantern



Concept & Inspiration:

It’s during Ramadan and I wanted to capture the spirit and create something inspired by the month. I was working in the majlis room available in the Baraha area in C2 and I found this lamp stashed in the room corner. When I picked it up and opened the door, I noticed there was no light inside. It gave me the idea of putting a light in there with this assignment.




Since the requirement of the assignment is creating an unusual switch that uses no hand, I thought of the idea that when the door is closed, the light will turn on. The body of the lamp besides the glass is made of metal material so it should transmit electricity almost everywhere on the surface. Taking advantage of this, I rigged the circuit inside the lamp and arranged of the placement of 2 jumper wires so that when the lamp’s door is closed, the circuit is closed and the LED will turn on thanks to the current running through it.

I created the entire circuit outside of the lamp, estimated the number of jumper wires I would need, then rigged/taped the circuit inside later though.

Challenges and reflections:

Initially, I planned to attach the 2 jumper wires in a way that when the door is closed, they would close the circuit. But that was not possible all the time because of the tape. So I took advantage of the material which the surface of the lamp is made of instead. The point is as long as their is a current running through the LED. Other than that, taping the entire circuit inside the lamp took a little bit of time because the space was too small for my hands, but I managed to do it.

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