Week 8: Reading Response by Sihyun Kim

Norman’s text, “Emotion & Design: Attractive things work better,” discusses the importance of aesthetics in design. As the authors say, attractive things work better after all. In the reading, the author makes a connection between affect and cognition, highlighting that our emotions and cognitive processes are intertwined. The author mentions that negative affect makes easy tasks hard while positive affect makes hard tasks seem easy. I agree with the author that attractive things simply work better and that they make hard things seem easy. In fact, just as the author asserts that ‘attractive things work better,’ I also believe that the aesthetic appeal of certain objects can sometimes lead people to perceive the usability of a design more positively than its actual usability.

This text reminded me of the interface of Apple products, especially the iPhone, as a good example of how aesthetics can influence our perception of usability. I believe that one of the main reasons for Apple’s success lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate form and function. The clean and minimalist design of its interface isn’t just visually pleasing, but its aesthetics also enhance the user experience by reducing clutter and cognitive load, making the iPhone seem easy to control. Perhaps the most compelling aspect of Apple’s design philosophy is its ability to evoke positive emotions in users. From the moment one unboxes an iPhone, they are greeted with a sense of delight and anticipation. The smooth, responsive interface only adds to this feeling, making every interaction with the device a pleasure.

In this way, I believe that Apple has mastered the art of using aesthetics to enhance usability. By creating products that are not only functional but also visually appealing and emotionally engaging, they’ve managed to cultivate a loyal fan base all over the world.

Regarding the reading about Hamilton, I was truly inspired by her dedication and passion for her career. Her unwavering dedication to both her career as a programmer and her role as a mother was truly remarkable. Rather than succumbing to societal pressures to prioritize one over the other, she fearlessly pursued both paths with equal fervor. Hamilton’s story is truly inspiring. It shows that with passion and determination, we can overcome any obstacle. She was a pioneer in the tech industry, breaking norms and proving that gender doesn’t limit success. Her legacy reminds us that dedication and passion can make anything possible, no matter what challenges we encounter.


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