Reading Reflections- Week 8a (2 Readings)

Emotions & Attractive by Donald A.Norman

Reading about the author’s teapot collection and the talk about design was really thought provoking. I never realized how much design can affect how we feel about things. For example, the different teapots the author has are all for different reasons – some are pretty, some are just practical. It made me think about the things I have in my home. Do I choose the things because they look nice, or because they work well?

The part about how color screens were introduced in computers got me thinking about the things that I have with me. Do I like them more because they look cool, even if they don’t work perfectly? And then, there’s the talk about emotions and how they affect our choices. It made me think about the times when I bought something just because it made me happy and gave satisfaction, even if it wasn’t really practical.

Overall, this text made me realize that design is more than just how something looks. It’s about how it makes us feel and how well it works. It made me want to pay more attention to the things I buy and think about why I choose them.

Her Code Got Humans on the Moon

Learning about Margaret Hamilton’s role in the Apollo space program was really inspiring. It’s amazing how she broke stereotypes by being a working mom in a field dominated by men. Seeing how Hamilton faced various challenges and still made groundbreaking contributions to software engineering makes me think about the countless times that I doubted myself when faced with obstacles. She reminds me that determination and hard work can lead to amazing achievements, even in the face of difficulty.

Moreover, Hamilton’s leadership and problem-solving skills during critical moments, like the Apollo 8 mission, inspire me to be a better leader in my own life and encourages me to challenge myself, believe in my abilities, and strive for excellence in everything I do.

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