Afra Binjerais – Week 8a reading response

In my reflection, when reading “attractive things work better” I understood how design is more than just about making things work well or look good. It’s about bringing these aspects together to enhance our experiences with technology, as our emotional reactions to a design are as important as its functionality. This broader view makes me appreciate how both practicality and our emotional responses matter in design.

When reading, I stumbled across a certain idea, where I was thinking that the color of a smartphone is a big deal when people decide what to buy. In general, black or white phones might look professional or classic, but a phone in a bright color like blue or red can make one feel excited or bold. These colors can attract customers who want to show their personality through their devices.

Personally, my phone is blue because that’s my favorite color. When I was choosing, the blue phone immediately stood out to me.

This experience shows how crucial emotional aspects, like color preferences, are in design. They can make technology more enjoyable and meaningful for us every day. By considering both function and emotion, design can really enrich our daily technology use, making it more satisfying and personal.

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