MIDTERM PROJECT – Music Emotions and words


My project takes inspiration from one of the psychology study that I recently came across, which discussed how many emotions people feel when they hear a particular sound, they distilled them into 13 distinct feelings. Although I had a different concept when I started working on my midterm project, I thought it would be interesting to incorporate this idea somehow. So I tried to translate this into a digital canvas of P5js. The user encounters random sounds and is prompted to articulate the emotions/feelings about that song. I planned to create something that interconnects the sound and the sentiment that is felt from it. And then also allows users to interact with the words by implementing some transitions to the words they entered.
Link to my project: https://editor.p5js.org/ib2419/full/DcHdGgor5

How does it work:

As I described a bit about my project above, aiming to engage users in exploring the relationship between sound and visual art.

  1.  It starts with the display of users encountering a main Menu page where the user is asked to click anywhere on the screen and describe the project.




2. When clicked,  an invisible grid of sound objects is displayed, each representing a distinct sound, and the display message of  ‘Click wherever you want to hear something‘. After the user clicks anywhere on the screen a sound object triggers the playback of its associated sound. Once a sound is selected, users are prompted to input ‘How would you describe the sound?’








3. And then initiating the generation of visual representations of the input. These visuals are created using bubbles or strokes, depending on the mode selected by the user. Additionally, an image – which displays the message about that type of song and why people feel that corresponds to the chosen sound is displayed alongside the generated visuals. Users can interact further by switching between bubble and stroke modes using the spacebar and returning to the main menu by pressing ‘R’.

Code that I am proud of:

One aspect I’m particularly proud of is the implementation of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. By structuring the code into classes like soundBoard and bubbleArt, I aimed to encapsulate related functionality and data, fostering code modularity and reusability. This approach not only enhances the readability of the code but also facilitates easier maintenance and future expansion of the project.

Class for sound Board –  The ‘soundBoard’ class defines sound buttons with properties like index, position, and dimensions. Each button instance maintains an association between its index and a corresponding sound object. The ‘boxClicked’  method detects mouse clicks within button boundaries, facilitating user interaction. This class encapsulates functionality for managing interactive sound buttons, enhancing user experience through intuitive audio control.

// Class for sound button
class soundBoard {
  constructor(index, xstart, ystart, boxWidth, boxHeight) {
    this.index = index;
    this.xPos = xstart;
    this.yPos = ystart;
    this.boxWidth = boxWidth;
    this.boxHeight = boxHeight;
    this.soundIndex = this.index;
    this.sound = "";

  // Check if the button is clicked
  boxClicked(mouseXPos, mouseYPos) {
    if (
      mouseXPos >= this.xPos &&
      mouseXPos <= this.xPos + this.boxWidth &&
      mouseYPos >= this.yPos &&
      mouseYPos <= this.yPos + this.boxHeight
    ) {
      return this.index;
    } else {
      return -1;

Class for bubbleArt –  I made a ‘bubbleArt’ class to facilitate the creation of bubble text with customizable parameters such as word, position, font size, and style. The ‘wordToBubble’ method converts the text into a series of points, enabling the creation of bubble-shaped characters. Using the ‘brush’ method, individual bubbles or strokes are drawn based on the chosen mode (bubbles or strokes). The ‘moveBubbles’ method adjusts the position of the bubbles based on mouse input, allowing for dynamic interaction with the text. Overall, the class encapsulates functionality for generating visually appealing and interactive bubble text elements within the application.

// Class for creating bubble text
class bubbleArt {
  ) {
    this.word = word;
    this.posX = xPos;
    this.posY = yPos;
    this.fontSize = fontsize;
    this.samplefactor = sampleFactor;
    this.sizeW = sizeW;
    this.sizeH = sizeH;
    this.mode = mode;
    this.bubble = bubbleMode;

  // Convert word to bubble text
  wordToBubble() {
    let points;
    points = font.textToPoints(this.word, this.xPos, this.yPos, this.fontSize, {
      sampleFactor: this.sampleFactor,
      simplifyThreshold: 0,
    return points;
  // Get bounding box for text
  boundBox() {
    return font.textBounds(this.word, this.xPos, this.yPos, this.fontSize);

  // Draw bubble text
  drawPoints() {
    let points;
    points = this.wordToBubble();
    if (points) {
      for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
        this.brush(points[i].x * this.sizeW, points[i].y * this.sizeH);

  // Draw individual bubbles or strokes
  brush(x, y) {

    for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
      let posX = randomGaussian(0, 5);
      let posY = randomGaussian(0, 5);

      if (fontMode == "bubbles") {
        // Drawing bubbles
        let size = randomGaussian(5, 5);
        ellipse(x + posX, y + posY, size, size);
      } else {
        // Drawing lines
        let angle = random(TWO_PI);
        let lineLength = randomGaussian(5, 5);
        let endX = cos(angle) * lineLength + x + posX;
        let endY = sin(angle) * lineLength + y + posY;
        line(x + posX, y + posY, endX, endY);
  // Move bubbles based on mouse position
  moveBubbles() {
    let bounds = this.boundBox();
    let adjustedSampleFactor = map(mouseY, 0, windowHeight, 0.1, 3); // Adjusting sampleFactor based on mouseY position
      -bounds.x * this.sizeW - (bounds.w / 2) * this.sizeW + windowWidth / 2,
      -bounds.y * this.sizeH + 50 + windowHeight / 5
    translateWidth = -(
      -bounds.x * this.sizeW -
      (bounds.w / 2) * this.sizeW +
      windowWidth / 2
    translateHeight = -(-bounds.y * this.sizeH + 50 + windowHeight / 5);

    this.sampleFactor = adjustedSampleFactor; // Update sampleFactor

Another highlight of the project is the integration of multimedia elements. Using preloaded assets and libraries like p5.js, I incorporated a diverse range of visual and sound files into the user experience (which was a hard task for me, I had to make sure that the files were not too heavy, and I was not aware of it before). Also while I was struggling in the start to create the sound objects for each button and associated them with their respective sound files. I was able to generate a grid layout for sound buttons by using nested loops to iterate over rows and columns. So it calculates the position of each button based on the current row and column, creating instances of the ‘soundBoard’ class and adding them to an array. I think that this approach organized the sound buttons systematically, and helped me establish the connection by assigning the sound files to the sound property of each sound object.

let index = 0;
 for (let row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
   for (let col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
     let xstart = col * boxWidth;
     let ystart = row * totalHeight;
       new soundBoard(index, xstart, ystart, boxWidth, boxHeight)

 soundObjects[0].sound = sound1; // Associate sound object 0 with sound1
 soundObjects[1].sound = sound2; // Associate sound object 1 with sound

One of the key design considerations that I wanted was the emphasis on user interaction and customization. And I was able to do it by providing users with control over sound playback and visual effects, the whole point was to personalize their experience and delve into the creative possibilities of the project.


While developing my sketch, I noticed that it lacked responsiveness. I realized that I relied heavily on fixed dimensions like ‘windowHeight’ and ‘windowWidth’, restricting how my visuals adapt to different screen sizes. This oversight should be addressed for future improvements to ensure a more adaptable layout. Additionally, I believe there’s room to enhance the interaction with the bubble art and lines. Currently, they serve as visual elements without meaningful interaction. In a previous project, I explored integrating them with sound generation, where mouse movements influenced the density of both sounds and visual elements. Exploring similar interactive possibilities could elevate the engagement level of the sketch. Moreover, I’m interested in learning how to integrate text directly with sound, rather than relying on images, which could further enrich the sound-visual part of my project.


My main challenge was settling on a single idea for my project. Initially, I experimented with various concepts, aiming to recreate interactive art gifs that inspired me. After discussing ideas with friends, I finally settled on a concept. When I started making this project I encountered difficulty integrating object-oriented programming (OOP) principles into my project, so I opted to start with a simpler sketch using functions in different files. However, I faced hurdles when attempting to connect sounds with messages as I had envisioned. My original plan revolved around particle motion, which I learned about through tutorials. Later, I explored additional references to refine my understanding. Integrating user input functions proved problematic, with errors arising during execution, particularly with transitioning between different states such as ‘main Menu’, ‘sections’, ‘input’, and ‘display’.

Pictures of previous project displays:




















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