Midterm Assignment: Knighthood Arcade



“Knighthood Arcade” immerses players in an exciting quest where they take on the role of a valiant knight tasked with eliminating menacing slimes infesting the kingdom. Set in a vibrant 2D environment, the game unfolds as players navigate challenges, strategize attacks, and seek victory against relentless slime adversaries.

The primary objective is for players to eliminate a specified number of slimes, with a set kill count serving as the victory condition. The game intricately balances combat, movement, and decision-making, requiring players to engage with the environment and enemies strategically.

Players achieve victory by successfully defeating predetermined number of (five in this case) slimes. Each slime defeated contributes to the player’s kill count. The dynamic gameplay evolves as the knight progresses, presenting increasingly challenging encounters with the slimes. The game introduces a perilous scenario where the knight faces defeat under specific circumstances:
– If the knight succumbs to slime attacks due to inadequate defensive maneuvers.
-If one of the slimes gets to the other side without being slain.

Implementation and Parts I am Proud of:

In crafting “Knighthood Arcade”, several key implementations have shaped the gaming experience. The strategic integration of combat dynamics allows players to tactically time attacks, emphasizing the significance of thoughtful engagement with the slimes. Navigating the knight through diverse terrains and overcoming movement challenges showcases the finesse required for successful progression. Furthermore, the integration of a subtle narrative layer, albeit minimal, contributes context and motivation to the knight’s quest. Personally, I take pride in the balance achieved between combat, movement, and decision-making elements, providing players with a challenging yet enjoyable gaming experience. This delicate equilibrium is complemented by the implementation of varying slime behaviors, adding depth and nuance to the adversaries. Adding idle animations to the sprite movement, which makes the game more similar to an arcade game, I believe was an excellent touch. I integrated p5play using cdn, but using the p5play documentation was rather difficult as the user interface was not good. Another aspect of the game that I am proud of is the checkDistance function, which determines whether the sprites are close to each other or not. Overall, the game not only delivers on its primary goal of strategic combat but also offers a dynamic and immersive environment that I find particularly gratifying as a developer and an arcade enthusiast.

Challenged faced:

Throughout the development journey of “Knighthood Arcade” various challenges were encountered, each contributing to the learning and growth of the project. Implementing effective collision detection and response mechanisms presented a significant hurdle, demanding meticulous fine-tuning to ensure seamless interactions between sprites. Managing the complexity of sprite animations, particularly synchronizing the knight’s actions with the game’s logic, posed another formidable challenge.  Addressing unexpected bugs and glitches, inevitable in any development process, demanded a systematic debugging approach. Integrating sound elements, specifically synchronizing background music with in-game events, proved to be a nuanced challenge, adding an auditory layer to the gaming experience. Overcoming these difficulties not only refined technical skills but also underscored the iterative nature of game development. Moreover, managing the sprite animations in the preload function was difficult at first, since the difference between the adjacent sprites were minimal, therefore detecting if the sprite animations were implemented into the array was hard.

Further Improvements:

Looking ahead, “Knighthood Arcade” presents ample opportunities for further refinement and expansion. One key area of improvement involves incorporating a more intricate combat system, introducing diverse enemy behaviors, and enhancing the strategic depth of engagements. Introducing additional levels with progressive difficulty could elevate the overall gaming experience, providing players with a sense of accomplishment as they navigate increasingly challenging scenarios. Implementing a scoring system and perhaps integrating an online leaderboard could foster a competitive element, encouraging players to strive for higher scores and fostering a sense of community around the game. The visual aesthetics and overall presentation could benefit from additional polish, including more detailed background art and refined character animations. Exploring the integration of power-ups, character upgrades, or even new characters could introduce fresh dynamics and keep players engaged over extended gameplay sessions.  These potential enhancements lay the foundation for the game’s evolution, promising an even more captivating and immersive experience for players in future iterations.

Code Snippet:

      if (checkDistance(slimeSprite, mySprite, 100) && isAttack) {
        if (!slimeSprite.dead){
          slimeSprite.dead = true;
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, 500)

        setTimeout(() => {
          slimeSprite.position.x = width+100;
          slimeSprite.position.y = random(50, height-50);
          slimeSprite.dead = false;
        }, 1000);
    } else if (checkDistance(slimeSprite, mySprite, 50) && !isAttack){
          setTimeout(() => {
            mySprite.position.x = -100;
            mySprite.position.y = -100;
          }, 1500)
          gameState = "end-lose";

Final Sketch:


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