Midterm Project Beatly

My midterm project is centered around an idea of a digital drum kit. As a drummer, I sometimes want to test new beats and patterns when I am not around a physical kit, and in such times I like to use the “musicca” website(https://www.musicca.com/drums), and this is the website that I got the inspiration for my project from. Each sound on the drum kit is tied to a specific key and the digital drum kit is played just like a physical one would, by combining sequences of keys corresponding to the notes. I have found all the essential sounds for each key from the website “freesound” (https://freesound.org/), including the cheering sound.
Next, I made the project more visual so that besides the audio feedback, users can also get a visual feedback corresponding to the sound that has been played. For that I have implemented circle waves of different color, each corresponding to a certain drum/cymbal, that arise from the center of the drum/cymbal that has been played and propagate across the screen. To mark a milestone in the user’s drumming session, after a certain number of notes played, a crowd cheers for you and colorful confetti pop up. This was the hardest part of the project as besides using the relevant classes and finding information on how to implement it, I had to make sure the timing and duration of the confetti was precise and simultaneous with the cheer sound. The implementation of that tricky part is the following.

if (counter%60 == 0 && counter !=0) { //60 bets till cheer
isDisplaying = 1; //bool for confetti
start = millis(); //timer start
interval = 0; //should be 5 seconds
isCheering = 1; //cheer sound bool
if (isCheering == 1 && cheer.isPlaying()==false){
isCheering = 0; //so it does not loop again
print("isCheering is:" + isCheering);
if (isDisplaying == 1){
for (let i = 0; i < confetti.length; i++) {
if (interval < 5000){ confetti[i].confettiDisplay(); finish = millis(); interval = finish - start; } else{ isDisplaying = 0; }

if (confetti[i].y > height) {
confetti[i] = new Confetti(random(0, width), random(-height, 0), random(-1, 1)); //generate confetti instead of the ones that have disappeared
print("in the if");

The starting page contains instructions to which key produces which sound, but it is always fun to experiment if you do not know the names of the drums and cymbals! For the main page, I have cut the background off of the drum image and placed it on a stage surrounded by people – a choice to justify the cheering and confetti. Here is the photo of the background stage I used.

To play the drums, the user clicks on the “Start” button and after the user is done he can click “Restart”, so that the new user can play the drums. Restarting simply erases the counter for how many notes have been played and places the user back on the intro screen. I chose not to include any background music as the rhythm of the background music would interfere with and limit what the user wants to play. To enter or exit fullscreen, the user needs to press the “F” key.
In the future, I would like to implement more artistic waves that propogate from the circles or have a music choice that the user can play into. For improvements, the fullscreen mode needs to be improved to fit the actual full size of the screen.

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