Berry Berry Game (Midterm project)



From the original idea of a “Hot Pursuit” driving game to “Berry Berry,” a fruit-chopping score-based game. This change draws attention to the difficulties faced in creating the Hot Pursuit game and how those difficulties influenced the idea and creation of Berry Berry. These strategies which include using sounds, images, object-oriented programming to produce an interesting gameplay experience.

The concept

The initial game concept focused on a high speed chase, where players navigated a vehicle to avoid or crash through obstacles such as roadblocks and cones. The primary goal was to create a thrilling experience, reminiscent of classic arcade racing games, where players would dodge obstacles at increasing speeds.


Obstacle Identification: A significant challenge arose in dynamically generating and identifying obstacles on the road. The process involved incrementing obstacles in the game’s road image, which proved to be complex and cumbersome for real-time gameplay.

Gameplay Complexity: The mechanics of avoiding or interacting with obstacles from the downloaded image introduced a difficulty in balancing gameplay, making unenjoyable to the audience similarly with the Dino Game in google chrome.

Berry Berry

I shifted the idea due to the challenges with the Hot pursuit game, the development focus shifted towards creating a more straightforward and universally enjoyable game. This shift led to the conception of “Berry Berry,” a fruit-chopping game inspired by Fruit Ninja. The idea behind Berry Berry is straightforward: fruits fall from the top of the screen, and the player slices them with a knife controlled by the cursor. Every chop that is successful earns points, but a fruit that is missed counts against the player. The game is over when five fruits are lost, which ups the difficulty and motivates players to get better at accuracy and reaction times. The creation of my game utilizes OOP to manage game elements and interactions efficiently. Both fruits and the knife are defined as objects, each with properties, and methods such as updating positions and detect when intersecting with the fruit. A method within the fruit objects checks for intersections with the knife object. When a collision is detected, it triggers a chopping action, accompanied by the chopping sound effect to enhance the gameplay experience.

The switch from Hot Pursuit to Berry Berry was for both, me and the player. for me it was time consuming to identify every obsticle in the road image. For the players, it might not catch everyone’s interests considering it is a car game and not everyone likes cars. So I ended up choosing to create a game that anyone can enjoy and gain scores in it. My goals for developing Berry Berry more is to create a scoreboard to save the players scores, and to create a more eye catching interface in the game and more levels to it.

function Fruit() {
  this.x = random(width);
  this.y = 0;
  this.speed = 3 + score / 20;
  this.sliced = false;

  this.update = function() {
    this.y += this.speed;
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.x, this.y) < 50 && mouseIsPressed && gameState === 'playing') {
      this.sliced = true;


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