Assignment 3 – what exactly is interactivity

I totally disagree with the definition of interactivity that is provided. If I did agree with it, then the IM major should have a different name since most of what we do, according to the definition provided in the readings, is not interactive. According to the reading, all these 2D (or other stuff) “interactive” art that we do is just participation of us in something. This does make sense, because the art or whatever we created is not talking back, forming a thought, or having a meaningful interaction. And someone can argue and say that some interactive art does have a reaction to us after we do something, therefore if we both react back and forth it’s an interaction. But would this be an interaction or just a lifeless programmed reaction that the program will do no matter what? Same as in the movie, no matter what, the actor is going to do something in his script.

If we look at the modern world, social media should be also a form of participation as the definition provided. But when I think about it, we do interact with each other while just using social media as a medium or a tool to do so. Same with music; the writer said we don’t interact with music but we interact with each other using music. The only form of interactivity with something that is not human, as per the definition again, would be just AI. Because AI is the only thing currently that doesn’t involve a real human in real-time in front of me to have an interaction. But other than that, should we even keep calling everything else interactive?

Reading Reflection_Week 4 – Jihad Jammal

Jihad Jammal


Intro to IM


Professor Aaron Sherwood


Reading Reflection Week 4


Feb. 12, 2024



Reimagining Interactivity in the Digital Age

After reading “The Art of Interactive Design,” I find that Crawford’s definition of interactivity has a significant impact on how we use technology in our daily lives. It forces us to reevaluate not just how we create technology but also how we interact with it in our daily lives. I agree with Crawford’s focus on the conversational, cyclical aspect of engagement, which draws attention to the contrast between the promise of digital technology to foster deep human connection and the transactional, often surface-level interactions they currently encourage (Crawford, 2003). This viewpoint calls for a more deliberate use of technology, pushing us to look for and produce really engaging experiences that promote sincere communication and comprehension.

Furthermore, Crawford’s research also poses important questions regarding the viability of this kind of in-depth communication in the framework of social media and mass media. In an age where algorithms are increasingly mediating digital connections, how do we create systems that facilitate meaningful discourse at scale? This motivates us to think of how users and designers might influence the direction of interactive design in the future (Crawford, 2003). Furthermore, it motivates users to seek out more deliberate technological engagement, moving from passive consumption to active involvement. It emphasizes the significance of promoting designs that value depth and quality of interaction, proposing a transition towards more human focused technology ecosystems, as someone who is interested in the larger effects of technology on society (Crawford, 2003).


Crawford, C. (2003). The art of interactive design : a euphonious and illuminating guide to building successful software. San Francisco: No Starch Press.

Assignment 3 – Around the world

For this assignment, I really wanted to do something fun. I was listening to the song “Around the World” by Daft Punk and thought about how the song is a hit while they just repeat the same sentence.

So, why not create a repetitive pattern that uses that repetitive sound to create something? So I created a robots class that keeps generating robots every 60 frames. Each robot would have a random head size, a random body size, random colors, and either a visor or a normal eye. These robots have an angle and a speed to move in so they can move in a circle.

class Robot {
  constructor(x, y, angle) {
    this.centerX = x; // Center of circular motion
    this.centerY = y; // Center of circular motion
    this.angle = angle; // Starting angle for circular motion

    this.headSize = random(12, 25);
    this.bodySize = random(this.headSize + 5, this.headSize + 25);

    this.headColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
    this.bodyColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
    //choose between visor or normal eeys
    this.eyeType = floor(random(2));

    this.orbitRadius = 200; // Radius of circular motion
    this.speed = 0.02; // Speed of rotation


The song will be playing in the background and keeps repeating forever. So the song will keep saying “Around the World” while the robots are moving around the world (the center being the mouse).


**click on the sketch**

**if WordPress doesn’t make the sound work so check the sketch itself**

I really enjoyed doing this because I love Daft Punk, but I hope to maybe add some more interaction from the user to do something with these robots honestly.

Week 3 Reading Response

I enjoyed “The Art of Interactive Design.” While doing the coding assignment for this week, I was questioning myself: What is interactivity, and why is it significant in art? This week’s reading perfectly aligned with that specific question. I liked how Crawford emphasized that interactivity is a form of art. And this also sheds light on understanding audiences’ needs and desires while creating any interactive experience, just as with any other form of art.  Although I had implemented a basic form of interaction in the last two weeks’ coding problem, I had not actually thought of it as an artistic expression and also did not consider my responsibility to present a coherent interactive experience. After reading Crawford’s thoughts, I went back and reevaluated this week’s coding assignment and tried to think about the audience’s perspectives. Crawford’s perspective on bringing objectivity into the subjective world of interactions was really thought-provoking. I hope to incorporate the three dimensions of interaction labelled in the reading into my future projects and optimize designs for all three dimensions. However, I am still a bit confused between the lines of low-level interaction and no interactivity.

Raya Tabassum: OOP Generative Art “The Flower Garden”

Click on the art to interact and create your own flower garden!

//Define the Flower class to represent each flower in the garden
class Flower {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.x = x; //X position of the flower on the canvas
    this.y = y; //Y position of the flower on the canvas
    this.size = 5; //Initial size of the flower, to be grown over time
    this.growthRate = random(0.05, 0.2); //Random growth rate for dynamic visuals
    this.fullSize = random(30, 70); //Target size of the flower when fully grown
    this.petals = floor(random(4, 9)); //Number of petals, randomly chosen for variety
    this.petalSize = this.fullSize / 2; //Determines the size of each petal
    this.color = [random(100, 255), random(100, 255), random(100, 255)]; //RGB color of the petals, chosen randomly for diversity

  //Method to simulate the growth of the flower
  grow() {
    //Increase the size of the flower until it reaches its full size
    if (this.size < this.fullSize) {
      this.size += this.growthRate; //Grow based on the predefined rate

  //Method to display the flower on the canvas
  show() {
    push(); //Save the current drawing state
    translate(this.x, this.y); //Move the drawing origin to the flower's location
    noStroke(); //Petals and center will not have an outline
    fill(this.color[0], this.color[1], this.color[2]); //Set the color for the petals
    //Draw each petal around the center
    for (let i = 0; i < this.petals; i++) {
      rotate(TWO_PI / this.petals); //Rotate the drawing context to evenly space petals
      ellipse(0, this.size / 4, this.petalSize, this.size); //Draw an ellipse for each petal
    //Draw the flower's center
    fill(255, 204, 0); //Color for the center of the flower
    ellipse(0, 0, this.size / 4, this.size / 4); //Draw the center as a smaller ellipse
    pop(); //Restore the original drawing state

let flowers = []; //Array to hold all the flower objects

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 600); //Set up the canvas
  background(0); //Initial background color

function draw() {
  background(0); //Clear the canvas at each frame to redraw updated flowers
  //Iterate through each flower in the array to update and display it
  for (let flower of flowers) {
    flower.grow(); //Simulate growth; //Draw the flower on the canvas

function mousePressed() {
  //Create a new Flower object at the mouse position when the canvas is clicked
  let flower = new Flower(mouseX, mouseY);
  flowers.push(flower); //Add the new flower to the array

The title of this artwork is “The Flower Garden”. The overall concept of this generative art piece is to simulate a digital garden where flowers can spontaneously grow at locations chosen by the user. Each flower starts small and grows over time, with a unique number of petals and colors, creating a diverse and evolving garden scene. This interactive piece allows viewers to contribute to the creation of the artwork, making each experience unique.

Use of Arrays and Objects in OOP
Arrays: The flowers array is used to store multiple instances of the Flower class, showcasing how arrays can manage collections of objects in an OOP context.
Objects: Each flower is an instance of the Flower class, with its properties and behaviors encapsulated within the class. This demonstrates the use of objects to model real-world concepts (like flowers) with data (properties) and actions (methods).

I tried to create an interactive and visually appealing art, allowing both the creator and the viewer to explore the intersection of nature, art, and technology. The inspiration behind this artwork was the concept of similar virtual garden apps/games that allows users to have their garden, creating and nurturing the flowers in it. I tried to make a similar version of it with vivid colors and shapes. The part I most loved is how the flowers actually look – I think they’re very pretty and when they’re blooming it gives a calm and soothing feel to the viewer.

Here’s how it looks when the garden is full of flowers:

I made another one with some revisions(added stem and two leaves to each flower):

Full garden:

Here are some other designs I kinda played with:

Assignment 3


For this project, the goal was to apply the concepts learned in class, including loops, arrays, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), to create an interactive visual experience.  The initial goal was to create a dynamic piece where a single spiral would be generated with each mouse click. However, I wanted to enhance user engagement by adding a feature that allows spirals to change color when clicked inside. So, I decided to use mouseDragged function to generate spirals and mouseClicked for spirals to change colour. Therefore, the application now produces multiple spirals during a single drag action across the screen. Furthermore, if a spiral is clicked, it temporarily changes color before reverting to its original hue.

To make the application more visually appealing, I attempted to introduce a feature where waves are generated whenever two spirals collide. I added a trailing effect to these waves, aiming to create a mesmerizing interaction between the spirals and the waves produced. Additionally, I implemented a functionality to clear the screen by pressing the ‘c’ key, allowing users to reset the canvas and start anew.


Embedded Canvas

Drag your mouse and see the magic.


let spirals = [];

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 800);

function draw() {
  background(0, 25); // Semi-transparent background for a trail effect
  for (let i = 0; i < spirals.length; i++) {
    // Check for collision with other spirals
    for (let j = i + 1; j < spirals.length; j++) {
      if (spirals[i].collidesWith(spirals[j])) {
        createWaveBetween(spirals[i], spirals[j]);

function mouseDragged() {
  let newSpiral = new Spiral(mouseX, mouseY);

// Function to chnage colour of the spiral after mouse ci clicked inside the spiral
function mouseClicked() {
  for (let i = 0; i < spirals.length; i++) {
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, spirals[i].pos.x, spirals[i].pos.y) < spirals[i].radius) {

class Spiral {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.pos = createVector(x, y);
    this.radius = random(5, 20);
    this.angle = 60;
    this.color = color(random(255), random(255), random(255), 100);
    this.transformed = false;
  update() {
    this.angle += 0.05;
    this.radius += 0.5;
  display() {
// Itsaves the current drawing style settings and transformations applied to the canvas
//   moves the origin to the position of the spiral
    translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
    for (let i = 0; i < this.angle; i += 0.1) {
//  Calculate the x and y coordinates of each vertex of the spiral
      let x = this.radius * cos(i);
      let y = this.radius * sin(i);
//  This function adds a vertex to the shape of the spiral
      vertex(x, y);

  transform() {
    this.transformed = true;
    this.color = color(random(255), random(255), random(255), 100);

  collidesWith(other) {
    let d = dist(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, other.pos.x, other.pos.y);
    return d < this.radius + other.radius;

function createWaveBetween(spiral1, spiral2) {
// Calculates the start and end points of the line connecting the centers of the two spirals
  let startX = spiral1.pos.x + spiral1.radius * cos(spiral1.angle);
  let startY = spiral1.pos.y + spiral1.radius * sin(spiral1.angle);
  let endX = spiral2.pos.x + spiral2.radius * cos(spiral2.angle);
  let endY = spiral2.pos.y + spiral2.radius * sin(spiral2.angle);
  let wave = new HorizontalWave(startX, startY, endX, endY);

class HorizontalWave {
  constructor(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
    this.start = createVector(x1, y1);
    this.end = createVector(x2, y2);
    this.amplitude = 20;
    this.frequency = 0.1;
    this.color = color(255);
  display() {
    for (let x = this.start.x; x < this.end.x; x += 5) {
      let y = this.start.y + this.amplitude * sin(this.frequency * x);
      vertex(x, y);
// This function restores the drawing state that was saved with the most recent 

Challenges & Reflections:

One of the significant challenges I encountered was the implementation of the wave generation when two spirals collide. The vision was to have the spirals transform into waves upon collision, with the spirals disappearing and the waves remaining on screen. However, I faced difficulties in realizing this feature due to my current level of understanding and technical limitations. This project has not only been a fun exploration of interactive graphics but also a valuable learning opportunity. I look forward to revisiting this project in the future, armed with more knowledge and experience, to incorporate the envisioned features and further enhance its interactivity and visual appeal.


E. J. C. (2021, February 17). Excel – Adding and Graphing Sine Waves with Any Amplitude or Phase. YouTube.

Assignment-3 Floating Bubbles


The assignment was to create a generative artwork using Object-Oriented Programming in p5.js. So for this assignment I wanted to create a bubble generator, such that when a button is pressed, random bubbles generates and floats into different directions.


Acrylic Bubble Wall Aquarium, Packaging Type: Box at best price in Noida

I got inspired by watching a Bubble Wall aquarium. It’s like a magical glass tank where bubbles pop up randomly, creating a beautiful display. So, I wanted to recreate that magic digitally by making bubbles appear randomly on the screen when you press a button.

A highlight of some code that you’re particularly proud of

function mouseClicked() {
  // Check if mouse click is within the box
  if (mouseX > width / 2 - 50 && mouseX < width / 2 + 50 && mouseY > height - 50 && mouseY < height) {
    // Add multiple bubbles to the array
    for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
      let x = random(width);
      let y = height;
      let speedX = random(-5, 5);
      let speedY = random(-10, -5);
      let col = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
      let size = random(20,60);
      //push it to the array
      bubbles.push(new Bubble(x, y, speedX, speedY, col, size));

Embedded sketch

Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements

For future improvements I want to add more life to the aquarium by adding fishes, plants etc. which will contain interactive elements in them


Reading Reflection – Week#3

Chris Crawford challenges our initial understanding of interactivity with a discussion of various definitions of what interactivity is and what it is not. What I found notable in trying to define interactivity is that it is the listening, thinking and speaking between two actors, and not a reaction to an action of one of the actors. Crawford also establishes that interactivity is not two-sided, but rather it is a continuum, where we can establish high and low interactivity and bring an example of the fridge lights to distinguish between these levels.

Here, I disagree with the author’s choice to place the fridge at low interactivity. The fridge light has a very limited number of responses to out actions, meaning either turning on or off, which I would not call interactive. It rather reacts to our actions, just in more than one way. No matter how carefully the fridge “listens”, our how intense it “thinks”, its response is not going to vary unless it is broken in some way, which in turn will remove a component of interactivity and fail to fit in the definition provided in the reading.

However, I would like to further explore if interaction is any different from alternating reactions from two parties engaging in listening, thinking, and speaking. Ultimately, exploring the best forms of interactivity is essential for the user experience, therefore I believe these definitions are crucial for solving interactivity issues without faking it.

Assignment 3: OOP

The task for this assignment was to implement an interactive visual experience using the concepts we learned last week, primarily object-oriented programming and arrays. For this assignment, I wanted to play with the visual perceptions of the audience. I wanted to create a very simple piece, but I also wanted to make it look like the piece has different underlying layers by incorporating a sense of depth. To give the illusion of 3D, I modified how shapes are displayed to include shading and perspective distortion. I introduced a z-axis movement illusion for the shapes. In the draw function, an interactive background changes hue based on mouse position, and shapes are updated and displayed with 3D effects.

class DynamicShape {
  constructor(x, y, size) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = random(-20, 20); // Simulate depth
    this.size = size;
    this.rotationSpeed = random(-0.05, 0.05);
    this.color = color(random(360), 80, 80);
    this.type = random(['square', 'circle', 'triangle']);

  // updating the depth
  update() {
    this.z += random(-1, 1);

  // displaying different shapes
  display() {
    translate(this.x, this.y);
    scale(map(this.z, -20, 20, 0.8, 1.2)); 
    rotate(frameCount * this.rotationSpeed);
    switch (this.type) {
      case 'square':
        rect(0, 0, this.size, this.size);
      case 'circle':
        ellipse(0, 0, this.size, this.size);
      case 'triangle':

  // adjusting the depth
  adjustSizeBasedOnDepth() {
    this.size = map(this.z, -20, 20, 10, 50);

  // drawing the triangle
  drawTriangle() {
      this.size * cos(0), this.size * sin(0),
      this.size * cos(TWO_PI / 3), this.size * sin(TWO_PI / 3),
      this.size * cos(TWO_PI * 2 / 3), this.size * sin(TWO_PI * 2 / 3)

// draw fucntion
function draw() {
  shapes.forEach(shape => {


The most challenging part was for me to figure out the static floral background and how to keep changing the hues to keep track of the depth of the newly created objects. Initially  struggled a bit with the new z-axis movement.

Reading assignment #3 – Stefania Petre

In the provided text, Chris Crawford goes into the complexities of interactive media, attempting to create a specific definition while distinguishing its numerous manifestations.

In my opinion, there is a need for a broader appreciation of interactive media, which is often misunderstood as essentially superficial. However, I am confident that beyond its surface lurks great depth and importance.

Finally, I encourage for collaborative initiatives to help individuals and communities get a better knowledge of this fluid industry.