ASSIGNMENT: Generative text output – Jihad Jammal


For this assignment, I aimed to capture the feeling experience of encountering a the blue screen of death (BSOD). To enhance the immersion and create a tangible sense of interaction, I introduced the interaction of th words being disrupted from there wave by your mouse. As the mouse moves across the screen, letters seem to be ripped away into a circle, creating an illusion of them swirling around the cursor. This subtle yet effective layer of interactivity I feel engages with the user in a more direct way, improving my  digital.

A highlight of some code that you’re particularly proud of:

// Calculate the necessary width for a single repetition of the text, including some spacing
let textWidthWithSpacing = textWidth(myString) + 50; // Additional spacing to ensure no overlap

// Draw the text repeatedly across the width of the canvas
for (let x = offset % textWidthWithSpacing - textWidthWithSpacing; x < width; x += textWidthWithSpacing) {
  for (let j = 0; j * lineSpacing < height; j++) {
    let yPos = j * lineSpacing; // Vertical position for each line

    for (let i = 0; i < myString.length; i++) {
      let myChar = myString.charAt(i);
      let waveTime = (frameCount + i * 10) * 0.05;
      let waveHeight = sin(waveTime) * 20; // Wave height for a pronounced effect

      // Original character positions
      let charX = x + (textWidth(myString) / myString.length) * i;
      let charY = yPos + waveHeight; // Apply wave motion

Embedded sketch:

Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements:

Reflecting on the project, I’m genuinely pleased with the outcome and the creative journey it took me on. However, if given the opportunity to revisit and refine the project, I would consider enhancing the virus aspect to make it more pronounced. This could involve more explicit visual cues or even integrating disruptive patterns that more closely mimic the erratic behavior of a computer under the influence of a malicious virus. By doing so, the piece would not only capture the viewer’s attention more forcefully but also deepen the narrative, making the experience even more memorable and impactful.

Reading Reflection- Week 4

I really enjoyed reading the chapter by Don Norman called “The Design of Everyday Things”. The chapter for me was engaging and the author gave various examples and insights on why design is important in everything. Norman says that the two of the most important characteristics of good design are “discoverability” and “understanding”. And through the doors example, Norman clearly explained to us that why these components are essential for designing. I completely agree with him on his view on the current designs which are complex and how these designs should not just merely focus on the beauty part but also focus on the human interaction/ accessibility side of the design.

I liked how Norman gives importance for the concept of Human-Centered Design (HCD), which was really an eye opener for me. He emphasized the need of the designers to focus on the potential errors of the designs during the designing process itself. Which really enlightened me and taught me that, checking for such potential errors in the designs will help us to have a better user-design interaction which will ultimately lead to a better user-end reaction for the design. This concept is what which I believe, is important in all designing process and I would like for it to be incorporated in my future designs and projects.

Reading Response Week 5: The Psychology of Everyday Things – Jihad Jammal

Jihad Jammal

Intro to Interactive Media

Professor Aaron Sherwood

Reading Reflection Week 5

Feb. 18, 2024


A Journey Through User-Centered Design


Reflecting on the first chapter of “The Psychology of Everyday Things” by Don Norman, it becomes evident how the intricacies of design profoundly impact our interaction with everyday objects. Norman delves into the paradox that as technology advances, intending to simplify our lives, it simultaneously introduces complexity that can hinder usability. This duality is a crucial reminder of the importance of human-centered design, which aims to make products intuitive and accessible, yet often falls short in the race towards innovation and feature enhancement.


Norman’s discussion about the conceptual models and the system image highlights a critical gap between designers’ intentions and users’ perceptions. It’s a compelling argument for the necessity of clear, intuitive design cues that guide users rather than confuse them. This point resonates deeply with the frustration many of us experience with modern devices, where functionality is obscured by complexity, leading to a reliance on trial and error or the dreaded instruction manual. The example of the refrigerator controls serves as a potent illustration of how misleading or inadequate system images can lead to user frustration and inefficiency, underscoring the importance of aligning the designer’s model with the user’s model through clear, intuitive design.


Moreover, Norman’s insights raise important questions about the responsibility of designers and manufacturers in ensuring their products enhance rather than complicate our lives. It challenges the reader to consider how products could be designed differently, with a focus on the user’s experience above all. This chapter not only changes the way one might view the objects around them but also emphasizes the role of thoughtful design in improving everyday life. It’s a call to action for designers to prioritize usability and for users to demand more intuitive products, highlighting the ongoing dialogue between design and user experience in shaping the tools of our daily lives.



Norman, D.A. (2013). The design of everyday things. New York, New York: Basic Books.


Assignment 4 – Mood clock

For this assignment, I was inspired by the fluid nature of emotions and how our surroundings can influence our mood throughout the day. It got me thinking about the concept of time and its relentless, cyclical pattern. This reflection led me to ponder the idea of visualizing time not just as a sequence of numbers but as an ever-changing spectrum of emotions. What if we could see the time of day reflected through our moods?

**double click on the sketch to interact**

It incorporates a real-time clock, showing hours, minutes, and seconds, alongside a pulsating ellipse that grows and shrinks with each passing second. The background color shifts through various hues—each representing a different mood such as “Dreamy,” “Energetic,” “Calm,” and “Reflective”—as the day progresses. But here’s the twist: users can manually switch between these moods with the press of a key, creating a playful interaction between the digital environment and the user’s current emotional state.

//change mood based on time if the user didn't select any
  if(mood == ""){
  if (hours < 6) {
    def = "Dreamy";
  } else if (hours < 12) {
    def = "Energetic";
  } else if (hours < 18) {
    def = "Calm";
  } else {
    def = "Reflective";

  //Change background color based on the selected mood
  switch (mood) {
    case "Dreamy":
      bgColor = background(120, 113, 255);
    case "Energetic":
      bgColor = background(255, 213, 0);
    case "Calm":
      bgColor = background(0, 255, 183);
    case "Reflective":
      bgColor = background(255, 105, 180);
      bgColor = background(0); 

Adding more interactive elements, such as allowing users to input their current mood or introducing more complex animations that respond to the time of day, are just a couple of ideas I’m exploring. And I really hope the mood clock would allow people to sit and reflect on their emotions throughout the day.

Week 4: Reading Response by Sihyun Kim

After reading chapter one of the book entitled “The Design of Everyday Things”, I found myself agreeing with the main argument that the author makes in his book. In this book, the author talks about what makes a good design. I think the most important argument he makes is that the two of the most important characteristics of good design are discoverability and understanding. Discoverability indicates that the user should be able to figure out what actions are possible and how to perform them and understanding indicates what all functions mean and how the product is supposed to be used. I agree with him that discoverability and understanding are the key features of what makes a good design. I also believe that a design is called “good” when it is intuitive whereas we could figure out how to use the object and all the purpose of it at first glance. 

I agree with the author in his argument about how we are so “machine-centered” instead of being “human-centered”.When the user is not able to use a machine properly, we often tend to blame the user for not being able to figure out how to use the machine instead of thinking about the machine as “poorly designed.”  This machine-centered mindset is something that I also noticed in my surroundings. I also believe that this is the mindset of the engineers who build and design the machines. I find some machines very complicated to use even with the user’s guide. Sometimes, I think the machines are too focused on the “technical requirements” that they forget to consider human behavior. I find it quite ironic that machines that are built for people fail to consider the “people”. 

Then, I came to think that this might be the paradox of technology- as it is more developed to offer more technological benefits to the users, the more it becomes difficult to use. Technology can simplify yet complicate our lives. This idea made me think that one of the most concerning challenges to the designers would be how they should balance the desire for more developed technologies and functions with the need for simple and human-centered design. As the author argues, the more the technology develops and the machines become multifunctional, the more the machine is prone to make the users become overwhelmed and frustrated. In a way, I think that it is the job of the designers to make complicated things look “simple and easy” to use.

Also, I thought that a “good design” that satisfies everyone  becomes harder to achieve as the machines add more functions. And I thought that a good design might be something “subjective”  instead of  “objective”. As the author says, what a person finds intuitive is based on that person’s experience. To someone who is used to technology and machines, a newly-built machine might seem to be very intuitive and user-friendly even without reading the user’s guide, but the machine might seem to be “poorly designed” for someone who is not familiar with the machines. Perhaps, to the engineers who are so used to all that logic and orders of machines, the machines that the public perceived to be “poorly designed” might have been intuitive. Likewise, when the machines get more complicated, while there might be a design that the “majority” can satisfy, I think there might not be a design that “everyone” can satisfy. 

Overall, I truly found the reading very interesting and engaging. Also, the reading made me reconsider what a good design is. After all, this reading made me think that a good design is a design that is intuitive and that a good design is subjective based on the experience of the users as what a person thinks of as intuitive differs from the person’s prior knowledge and experience. 


Assignment #4 – life.

For this assignment I decided to combine data visualization and text in a relatable, motivating and interesting theme. My project is called life and it shows the unpredictability of our everyday life as well as the highs and lows we all go through.

To make my idea come true, I created a .csv file which would interpret life as a line that goes up and down, representing the battles we fight. I later uploaded the csv file to my sketch and decided to add some effects.

When we hover over the lowest point, a text that says “It has its lows” appears. Similar to that when we hover over the highest point, a text that says “It has its highs” appears. Apart from those two effects, whenever u hover over the straight parts of the line (beginning and end) the line starts to wobble up and down, simulating the unpredictability of life. To add an artistic touch I filled the insides of the line with black.

The code that does all of this can be seen below:

if (x < 150 || x > 450) {
      if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y) < 50)
        y += map(noise(frameCount * 0.01, i * 0.01), 1, 0, -400, 400);
    } else if (mouseX > 250 && mouseX < 330 && mouseY > 400 && mouseY < 550) {
      text("It has its lows", mouseX, mouseY);
    } else if (mouseX > 330 && mouseX < 410 && mouseY > 20 && mouseY < 150) {
      text("It has its highs", mouseX, mouseY);

And finally, enjoy:

Reading Response: Design Principles in Everyday Objects

Don Norman’s refrigerator example from “The Design of Everyday Things” is a significant example that highlights several important design, user experience, and cognitive processes related to human-machine interaction concerns. The idea of cognitive dissonance in design, which occurs when users’ expectations and reality are distinct which causes annoyance and inefficiency, is embodied by the refrigerator’s confused controls. In my opinion, this example is a smaller issue of a much larger issue in the fields of design and technology.

The controls on the refrigerator expose a basic breakdown in the way designers and consumers communicate. The designers have a high in-depth knowledge of how the product works, but they often neglect what information users need to comprehend and utilize the product as intended. The belief that consumers will “figure it out” might result in designs that make sense to the designer but seem complex to the user.

After reading about the refrigerator it reminded me of “Computer Space” by Nolan Bushnell. This was one of the first arcade games which was made and did not conquer the market as the controls on the machine were way too complicated/complex for the user to comprehend. Although the vision of the game was intuitive, no one would want to read instructions to play a video game so the controls for the game became very hard for the users.

All of this made me wonder, how does the design of everyday objects influence our behavior and interactions with technology?


Assignment 4 / Reading response – Hamdah AlSuwaidi

For this assignment, the goal was to combine various elements such as text, background scenery, and interactive components to create a visually appealing and engaging composition.

In this particular assignment, the background consists of a gradient sky with clouds, which provides a serene and calming atmosphere. The addition of colorful butterflies adds a touch of whimsy and liveliness to the scene. The choice of background and butterflies was made to create a harmonious and cohesive composition that aligns with the theme of nature and tranquility. Additionally, using a similar background pattern as the previous assignment helps create a consistent visual theme across multiple assignments, reinforcing the idea of a recurring pattern or motif.


1. Setup Function:
– Initializes the canvas and creates arrays to hold instances of butterflies, clouds, and flowers.
– Generates multiple instances of butterflies, clouds, and flowers with random positions on the canvas.

2. Draw Function:
– Renders the background with a gradient sky and clouds.
– Updates and displays each cloud’s position on the canvas.
– Updates and displays each butterfly’s position and appearance.
– Displays each flower on the canvas.

3. Butterfly Class:
– Represents a butterfly object with properties such as position, velocity, color, and size.
– The `update()` method updates the butterfly’s position and may change its direction randomly.
– The `display()` method renders the butterfly’s wings with a specified color pattern.

4. Cloud Class:
– Represents a cloud object with properties such as position, velocity, and size.
– The `update()` method updates the cloud’s position, ensuring it moves across the screen.
– The `display()` method renders the cloud as a set of ellipses representing its shape.

5. Flower Class:
– Represents a flower object with properties such as position, size, and color.
– The `display()` method renders the flower as an ellipse representing its center and a smaller red ellipse above, representing its stigma.

6. Interactivity:
– The `mouseClicked()` function triggers a change in butterfly colors when the mouse is clicked. This adds an interactive element to the artwork, allowing users to alter the visual composition dynamically.

let butterflies = [];
let clouds = [];
let butterflyColors = [
  [255, 20, 147], // Pink
  [128, 0, 128], // Purple
  [255, 255, 0] // Yellow
let currentColorIndex = 0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(700, 500);
  // Create a flock of butterflies
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    let butterfly = new Butterfly(random(width), random(height), currentColorIndex);
  // Create some clouds
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    let cloud = new Cloud(random(width), random(height));

function draw() {
  // Draw gradient sky background
  background(135, 206, 250); // Light blue
  for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    let inter = map(y, 0, height, 0, 1);
    let c = lerpColor(color(135, 206, 250), color(255, 255, 255), inter);
    line(0, y, width, y);
  // Display and update clouds
  for (let cloud of clouds) {
  // Update and display each butterfly
  for (let i = 0; i < butterflies.length; i++) {

  // Display "Hamdah" text
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  fill(0); // Black color
  text("Hamdah", width / 2, height / 2);

function mouseClicked() {
  // Change butterfly colors on mouse click
  currentColorIndex = (currentColorIndex + 1) % butterflyColors.length;
  for (let i = 0; i < butterflies.length; i++) {

class Butterfly {
  constructor(x, y, colorIndex) {
    this.position = createVector(x, y);
    this.velocity = createVector(random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1));
    this.colorIndex = colorIndex;
    this.size = random(20, 40);
    this.angle = random(TWO_PI);
  update() {
    // Update position
    // Change direction randomly
    if (random() < 0.01) {
      this.velocity.rotate(random(-PI / 4, PI / 4));
    // Wrap around screen
    this.position.x = (this.position.x + width) % width;
    this.position.y = (this.position.y + height) % height;
  display() {
    // Draw butterfly wings with pattern
    fill(0); // Black
    ellipse(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.size, this.size / 2);
    let wingOffset = this.size / 4;
    let wingSize = this.size / 2;
    translate(this.position.x, this.position.y);
    fill(butterflyColors[this.colorIndex][0], butterflyColors[this.colorIndex][1], butterflyColors[this.colorIndex][2]); // Butterfly color
    ellipse(-wingOffset, 0, wingSize, wingSize * 2);
    ellipse(wingOffset, 0, wingSize, wingSize * 2);
    fill(0); // Black
    ellipse(-wingOffset, 0, wingSize / 2, wingSize);
    ellipse(wingOffset, 0, wingSize / 2, wingSize);
  changeColor(colorIndex) {
    this.colorIndex = colorIndex;

class Cloud {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.position = createVector(x, y);
    this.velocity = createVector(random(-0.5, 0.5), 0);
    this.size = random(50, 100);
  update() {
    if (this.position.x > width + this.size) {
      this.position.x = -this.size;
    if (this.position.x < -this.size) {
      this.position.x = width + this.size;
  display() {
    ellipse(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.size * 1.5, this.size);
    ellipse(this.position.x - this.size / 3, this.position.y - this.size / 4, this.size, this.size * 0.8);
    ellipse(this.position.x + this.size / 3, this.position.y - this.size / 4, this.size, this.size * 0.8);


Reading Response:

In his seminal work, “The Design of Everyday Things,” Don Norman meticulously dissects the intricate relationship between design and user experience, shedding light on the fundamental principles that govern successful product interaction. Norman’s exploration of affordances resonates deeply with my own understanding of design, emphasizing the pivotal role of intuitive functionality in fostering seamless user-product relationships.

Consider, for instance, the ubiquitous smartphone interface. A well-designed interface intuitively guides users through its myriad functions, leveraging affordances and signifiers to streamline interactions. Icons and gestures serve as visual cues, effortlessly communicating their intended actions. When users tap an icon, they anticipate launching an app; when they swipe, they expect to navigate between screens. These intuitive interactions not only reduce the cognitive burden on users but also enhance their overall satisfaction with the device.

However, the efficacy of design extends beyond mere functionality; it encompasses a nuanced understanding of users’ evolving needs and technological literacy. As technology continues to evolve, so too does the language of interactive design. Novel features such as facial recognition and fingerprint identification, once considered exotic, have now become commonplace, ingrained within the lexicon of modern devices. Yet, the assimilation of these innovations into the user experience requires careful consideration of contextual factors and prior familiarity.

For instance, imagine a scenario where a user encounters a new smart home device equipped with voice recognition capabilities. To a tech-savvy individual accustomed to interacting with virtual assistants, such as Siri or Alexa, the process may feel intuitive, akin to conversing with a familiar friend. However, for someone less acquainted with these technologies, the experience may prove bewildering, necessitating a more gradual onboarding process to bridge the gap between novelty and comprehension.

This underscores the dynamic nature of interactive design, which continually adapts to accommodate emerging technologies and diverse user demographics. As designers, we must strive not only to anticipate users’ needs but also to cultivate inclusive and accessible interfaces that resonate across varying levels of technological proficiency. By embracing this iterative approach and prioritizing intuitive design, we can forge meaningful connections between users and products, enriching lives and experiences in the process.


Assignment 4 – Matrix Letters

From this assignment, I took direct inspiration from the Matrix franchise to recreate their famous wall of green symbols.

18 ans plus tard, on connaît enfin la signification du code vert de la ...

At its core, the project consists of two main classes: MatrixSymbol and Stream.

    1. MatrixSymbol Class:
      • Each character falling down the screen is represented by an instance of the MatrixSymbol class.
      • The MatrixSymbol class is responsible for storing properties such as position (x, y), character value (value), speed (speed), and brightness (brightness).
      • Characters are randomly selected from a wide range of Unicode characters, including hiragana and kanji, providing diversity to the falling text effect.
      • The rain() method handles the downward movement of the symbol, ensuring it wraps back to the top of the screen when reaching the bottom.
    2. Stream Class:
        • A stream consists of multiple MatrixSymbol instances, forming a vertical column of falling text.
        • Each stream is generated with a random number of symbols (totalSymbols) and a random speed (speed).
        • The generateSymbols() method populates the stream with symbols, positioning them at random vertical offsets to create a staggered appearance.
        • The render() method displays and animates the symbols within the stream, applying color variation to enhance visual appeal.

      The brightness of each symbol is randomly adjusted, creating subtle variations in color and brightness, adding depth to the visual effect.
      Unicode Character Range: By utilizing a wide range of Unicode characters, including hiragana and kanji, I achieve a diverse selection of symbols.


Ensuring a balanced distribution of hiragana and kanji characters while maintaining randomness posed a challenge. Fine-tuning the character ranges was necessary to achieve a visually appealing mix.
As well, as the number of symbols and streams increases, performance may degrade. Thus it was important for me to write efficient code which would not suffer from performance degradation.



Afra Binjerais – Assignment 4

In this assignment, I wanted to do a generative text that moves.  I did that by doing an array and watching a YouTube tutorial that taught me how to move the fonts, which was quite easy to do.

Then, I was thinking of adding an interactive element with the mouseClicked element but I wasn’t sure how to do that, as I kept getting errors as the font oscillates back to forth (using sin waves) by default.

With the help of Pi (thanks Pi) I was able to do that, where each time the mouse was clicked the fonts oscillated back and forth faster and faster.

So this is the code

let font;
let points = [];
let r = 4;  
let angle = 0;
let angleIncrement = 1;  // New variable to control the angle increment rate
var landscape;

function preload() {
  font = loadFont("fonts/Inconsolata_Condensed-Light.ttf");
  landscape = loadImage('background.jpg');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(510, 400);
  points = font.textToPoints("AFRA", 0, 300, 300, {
    sampleFactor: 0.1
    // simplifyThreshold: 0

function draw() {
  for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
    ellipse(points[i].x + r * sin(angle + i * 20), points[i].y, 10, 10);
  angle += angleIncrement;  // Use the angleIncrement variable

function mouseClicked() {
  angleIncrement += 5;  // Increase the angle increment rate on each click

and this is the final product 🙂

Honestly, I’m proud of my work so far, with this being my 4th assignment with code, but in the future, I would love to work with Arabic letters and see what it would look like.

Reference to the video I watched: