Week 5 : Midterm Progress

When I heard how the midterm would be to create a game, my mind immediately went to my favorite type of game: Rhythm Games. I wanted to try and recreate one of my favorite arcade games called Dance Dance Revolution where the player would have to stand on the arrows on the ground that would correspond to the rhythm of the background music.

This is the DDR Arcade Machine:

I successfully created three lives that would get lost when the player would miss a ball. I also managed to create a “Game Over” state which I have to modify. However, I need to work on the interactive part of it. The mechanics that I have currently are Mouse click based, meaning that a player would have to click on the target area in order to gain points. When I tried to play it using a mouse, it felt very awkward so I will probably change it to the arrow keys which would be way more convenient.

Update: Okay, turns out that It does not even work properly with the mouse no matter how hard I try. I will be switching the strategy to the arrow keys.  I found the exact arrows that I would want to use which are the following. Now I have to figure out how I could code the arrow keys and assign them to each of the targets.

This is what I would like it to look like:

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