Week 5: Midterm Progress

Concept and Design

The core concept of this project revolves around creating an immersive interactive experience that blends art and technology, leveraging the versatility of the p5.js library. The aim is to develop an artwork or game that captivates the user by engaging their senses through visual elements, sound, and interactivity. The design is centered on the principle of simplicity to ensure accessibility while fostering a deep sense of exploration and interaction. By incorporating a variety of media types—including shapes, images, sounds, and on-screen text—the project seeks to create a rich, multi-sensory environment that responds to the user’s actions in intuitive and surprising ways.


So far, the project has laid down a foundational structure that supports Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) to manage its various interactive elements effectively. A particle system has been developed as the primary visual feature, showcasing a dynamic and aesthetically pleasing behavior that can be manipulated through user input. The system begins with an instructional screen, ensuring that users understand how to interact with the artwork or game before commencing. This design choice not only improves user experience but also aligns with the project’s requirement to start the experience with an instruction screen and wait for user input before starting.

The current implementation allows for the experience to be restarted without the need to reload the sketch entirely, promoting a seamless user interaction that encourages exploration and repeated engagement. The integration of state management facilitates this process, enabling the transition between different phases of the application, such as viewing instructions, interacting with the experience, and restarting the session.


One of the main challenges faced during development has been incorporating all the required elements (shape, image, sound, and on-screen text) into a cohesive and interactive experience. While the foundational structure for shapes and on-screen text has been established through the particle system and instructional screen, the integration of images and sounds remains incomplete. Balancing the aesthetic appeal with functional interactivity, especially when introducing multimedia elements, requires careful consideration to maintain performance and user engagement.

Another significant challenge is ensuring that the experience is equally compelling for one or more users. Designing interactions that are universally intuitive yet offer depth and discovery poses a unique challenge in user experience design. Additionally, creating a mechanism for seamlessly restarting the experience without restarting the sketch has required thoughtful state management and control flow within the code.

Future Directions

Moving forward, the project will focus on integrating the remaining required elements—specifically, the inclusion of at least one image and one sound—to enrich the sensory experience. Exploring creative ways to incorporate these elements will not only fulfill the project’s requirements but also enhance the overall aesthetic and interactive quality of the work. Addressing the challenges of multi-user interaction and refining the user interface to accommodate various interaction modes will also be a priority. Through iterative design and testing, the project aims to evolve into a fully-realized interactive experience that leverages everything learned so far, presenting users with an engaging and memorable exploration of digital art and interactivity.


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